exhibitionist-digital / ultra

Zero-Legacy Deno/React Suspense SSR Framework
MIT License
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Is SSR cache HTML escaped in the HTML inline script for client side hydration? #134

Closed jaydenseric closed 2 years ago

jaydenseric commented 2 years ago

Recently I fixed SSR cache data not being HTML escaped within the HTML inline script for client side hydration in Ruck v7.0.0:


Basically, if the JSON contains HTML it could cause the HTML inline script to terminate early and the rest of the JSON would be rendered on the HTML page by the browser. I discovered this when a Ruck app page for a blog post had the blog post markdown that contained a HTML image tag queried from the GitHub gist API, which gets cached during SSR and hydrated on the client.

I tried to see how Ultra handles the same thing, and it seems it doesn’t? Is this where a cache data JSON string is being used as a raw JavaScript value for a HTML inline script?


I'm not sure how Aleph.js works but it seems they might also have the same issue:


jaydenseric commented 2 years ago

I struggled to see how Fresh handles it, but maybe they don't do it right either? Perhaps here?


mashaal commented 2 years ago

Building and hydrating SSR cache is now user controlled -- Here is an example https://github.com/exhibitionist-digital/ultra/blob/main/examples/with-react-query/src/hooks/useDehydrateReactQuery.tsx#L24-L25

I've added a link to the known limitations around dehydrated state.