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CalculateY added in ADMM process #40

Closed yijiangh closed 8 years ago

yijiangh commented 8 years ago

lambda vector expand dimension

Note: lambda vector's dimension corresponds to number of equation constraints in ADMM. Before today's skype meeting, we only have (K D = F) as equation constraints and thus have 6 * Ns_ entries.

void ADMMCut::SetStartingPoint(){
Ns_ = ptr_dualgraph_->SizeOfFreeFace(); // the number of vertices in original graph
/* --- */
lambda_.resize(6 * Ns_);

But after the meeting on May 7th, the equality of constraints about y come into play: y_ij = x_i - xj; (There are *2 \ Md** of y_ij in total)

Thus for now, the dimension of Lambda is 2 * Md + 6 * Ns.

Modification of CalculateX and CalculateD in this new version.

Some Clarification for ADMM computation

Note: The ADMM process alternatively minimize one same objective function (in CalculateX, CalcualteD) in previous version: that function is: x^t * (A^t C A) * x + lambda^t * (K(x)d - F(x)) + (mu/2) <K(x)d - F(x), K(x)d - F(x)>

this is function is obtained by reflecting the equation constraints to the objective function, the original objective function is: sum_ w_ij |x_i - x_j| s.t. K(x) D = F(x) ...

But in current version: the function turns to: sum_ w_ij (x_i - xj)+ s.t. K(x) D = F(x) ... (we use iterative reweighting scheme to translate this discrete problem into continuous quadratic problem, and then use ADMM to solve the continuous problem, then we get the function: x^t * (A^t C A) * x + lambda^t * (K(x)d - F(x)) + (mu/2) <K(x)d - F(x), K(x)d - F(x)> above.)

To solve this new problem, we introduce variable y, and the objective function turns to: min_{x,y,d} sum_ij w_ij (yij)+ s.t. y_ij = x_i - x_j K(x) d = F(x) ....

We still use reweighting scheme to solve this discrete problem, formulate it into: min{x,y,d} sum (1/r_ij(iter)) wij^2 * ((yij)+)^2 s.t. ....

and then the augmented Lagrangian function is: sum_ (1/r_ij(iter)) wij^2 * ((yij)+)^2 ...+ lambda_{1,..., 6Nd}^t * (K(x)D - F(x)) ...+ sum_{6Nd,..., 6 * Nd + 2*Md -1} lambda{k} * (yij - (xi - xj)) ...+ (mu/2) * <K(x)D - F, K(x)D - F> ...+ (mu/2) * sum (y_ij - (xi - xj))^2

This formula is obviously (x,D) - Y seperable.


In previous version, CalculateX minimize: x^t * (A^t C A) * x + lambda^t * (K(x)d - F(x)) + (mu/2) <K(x)d - F(x), K(x)d - F(x)> + (ignore y related terms because they are constant in this process!) after calculation, we can formulate K(x) d - F(x) = Q(d) * x (assume d is a constant vector in calculate X process) and thus we get: (1/2) x^t * (Q^t Q + A^t C A) * x + lambda^t * Q * x

void ADMMCut::CalculateX{
    // Construct Hessian Matrix for D-Qp problem
    SpMat Q;
    CalculateQ(D_, Q);

    SpMat H2 = Q.transpose() * Q;
    SpMat H = 2 * L_ + penalty_ * H2;

    // Construct Linear coefficient for x-Qp problem
    a_ = Q.transpose() * lambda_;

    ptr_qp_->solve(H, a_, A, b, W_, d_, lb, ub, x_, NULL, NULL, debug_);

In new version, we minimize (1/2) x^t * (Q^t Q) * x + lambda^t * Q * x, in CalculateX (without AtCA weighting matrix)


Nothing should be changed.


Dual residual and primal residual for ADMM termination criterion

should be recalculated.

yijiangh commented 8 years ago

@Juyong Please check the code if you have time. The modification mentioned in May 7th Skype Meeting are mainly in file ADMMCut.cpp