exile-center / better-trading

QoL improvements for the official PathOfExile trading site.
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Trade Site crashes if specific name is used to save trade #115

Closed RickTorresJr closed 1 year ago

RickTorresJr commented 1 year ago


The trade side will cease to load, even after closing and opening a new tab if the Better PathOfExile Trading bookmark was named:

Jewel - Cluster - Large - Prismatic Heart / Sadist / Disorienting Display - Budget

How to replicate

What was tried

Named Trade Link Breaking Extension Tab Hung Out of Memory Working Extension After Renaming

Edit: Added more screenshots

dbjorge commented 1 year ago

Hi @RickTorresJr ,

Thanks for reporting the issue! Unfortunately, I'm unable to reproduce it on my machine (in Chrome 105 or 106 on Windows).

dbjorge commented 1 year ago

I added a fix for one potential way I could imagine this issue occurring if a different extension/userscript were to try to "fight" our new feature to rename page/tab titles (ie, if both us and a different extension kept detecting and trying to undo each others' attempts to rename the title differently) in https://github.com/exile-center/better-trading/commit/85794d12cebc51e7345629a782f0a02bb3ed1a77. That update will be included in the next release, but I'm not very optimistic that it will actually resolve your issue since I still haven't been able to reproduce it locally.

dbjorge commented 1 year ago

The candidate fix from https://github.com/exile-center/better-trading/commit/85794d12cebc51e7345629a782f0a02bb3ed1a77 has been released in 1.7.1. It would be helpful if you could test and see if that helps the issue - but again, I'm just blindly guessing at what the issue might be without a local repro, so there's a good chance it won't help.

RickTorresJr commented 1 year ago

@dbjorge Thank you for looking into this and apologies for taking a bit to turn this around. I'm unable to trigger the abnormal behavior after the 1.7.1 update both on Chrome and Brave.


The update seems to have fixed the problem. Before the update (when the Tab would hang) in Chrome, I did have several enabled extensions globally but Better PathOfExile Trading was the only PoE specific extension installed.

Thank you again!

dbjorge commented 1 year ago

I'm glad to hear the update helped! I'll go ahead and close this issue; if you encounter it again, feel free to reopen it.