exile-center / better-trading

QoL improvements for the official PathOfExile trading site.
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[Request] Cloud backup using Google drive or WebDAV #133

Open ParanoiaIsGreat opened 8 months ago

ParanoiaIsGreat commented 8 months ago

I lost all of my bookmarks after have to reinstall my Windows. It would be perfect to have a function to backup things to cloud. I know it's my bad didn't using "save to file" button, but it would be really nice to auto backup. Thx!

dbjorge commented 8 months ago

I think if we were to do something along these lines, it would be to have the extension store searches in chrome.storage.sync rather than chrome.storage.local like it does now, so it could have the browser sync them automatically as part of being logged into the browser.

The major downside to this would be that we're very limited on how much data we can store in chrome.storage.sync (it has a 100KB limit, as opposed to the 10MB limit for local storage). In practice, my local saved searches take up about 30KB for ~30 non-archived and ~80 archived searches. We'd probably need to limit the sync storage to non-archived searches and limit the number of stored searches to what fits in the sync storage. We'd likely want to make syncing a setting in the options that could be turned off for folks that would rather have more storage than synced searches.

pboutin commented 8 months ago

@dbjorge I had the same conclusions back in the days while looking up about storage.sync, it would need a good error handling for people hitting the limit because it will happen. It's not design to store data at large, it's designed to store user preferences.

jackson-chris commented 5 months ago

Would love to see this feature implemented.