exile-center / better-trading

QoL improvements for the official PathOfExile trading site.
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Localize the texts #35

Closed pboutin closed 4 years ago

pboutin commented 4 years ago

It would be nice to localize the extension's texts.

frandarre commented 4 years ago

Any way we can help with translation? I'm a spanish speaking native and I could help with that.

Do you just need an es.yaml file in each translation/ folder?

pboutin commented 4 years ago

I was wondering if that feature could be useful or not, since the extension only works on the "english" version of the trading site for now. Thoughts ?

frandarre commented 4 years ago

Most of the Spanish/Portuguese speakers I know play with the game in English, so I'd say that a really small subset of people would use the feature.

I guess you'd be fine dropping this feature.

pboutin commented 4 years ago

That's what I thought, I'll close this for now to avoid confusion. Thanks for the help proposal :)