exile-center / better-trading

QoL improvements for the official PathOfExile trading site.
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Broken Infinite Scrolling #85

Closed ThorTheGray closed 3 years ago

ThorTheGray commented 3 years ago

Better Trading is the only active extension and when it is on the infinite scrolling feature fails to load the following search parameters which is odd.

If I change the search to just Royal Burgonet the infinite scroll works perfectly. Using the parameters above I replaced Royal Burgonet with a Hubris Circlet and the same thing happened. It doesn't happen with a Blizzard Crown. I did not try all the different helmets or other types of items. When I turn off Better Trading this issue goes away.

pboutin commented 3 years ago

Just tested it with https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Ultimatum/9zZQWDRSK and it works well on my end.

Also, I honestly don't see anything BetterTrading that could affect how the official site loads its data.