exmex / HC

Heroes Charge client and server
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Compile Cardgame.sln error #9

Open 365minerss opened 2 years ago

365minerss commented 2 years ago

image I use vs2013 to compile Cardgame.sln but there is an error, how can I solve it?

exmex commented 2 years ago

Did you install the correct cocos2d SDK?

365minerss commented 2 years ago

I have installed the sdk but still can't compile. Which android version do I need to use?

exmex commented 2 years ago

The mentioned error has nothing to do with android. It cannot find a library required by Cocos2d

TIS-OMiddle commented 2 years ago

Did you install the correct cocos2d SDK?

@exmex Excuse me for bothering you. Can you give some tips about "install the correct cocos2d SDK"? I had read the cocos2dx document and downloaded several versions. But every version looks like a demo project and doesn't need to install special sdk. Do you mean that we should copy some file to this project?

Here is some error message: (win10, visutal studio 2013 update 5)

警告  1   warning MSB8004: Intermediate Directory does not end with a trailing slash.  This build instance will add the slash as it is required to allow proper evaluation of the Intermediate Directory. C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V120\Microsoft.CppBuild.targets   363 5   core (Core\core)
错误  2   error MSB3073: 命令“if not exist "F:\HC\HC\Client\Code_Client\projects\..\build\Debug.win32\" mkdir "F:\HC\HC\Client\Code_Client\projects\..\build\Debug.win32\"
xcopy /Y /Q "F:\HC\HC\Client\Code_Core\cocos2dx\proj.win32\..\platform\third_party\win32\libraries\*.*" "F:\HC\HC\Client\Code_Client\projects\..\build\Debug.win32\"

:VCEnd”已退出,代码为 4。   C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V120\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets  127 5   libcocos2d
错误  3   error LNK1181: 无法打开输入文件“libcocos2d.lib” F:\HC\HC\Client\Code_Core\CocosDenshion\proj.win32\LINK libCocosDenshion
警告  4   warning MSB8004: Intermediate Directory does not end with a trailing slash.  This build instance will add the slash as it is required to allow proper evaluation of the Intermediate Directory. C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V120\Microsoft.CppBuild.targets   363 5   Utility
错误  5   error LNK1104: 无法打开文件“glew32.lib”   F:\HC\HC\Client\Code_Core\Utility\LINK  Utility
错误  6   error LNK1104: 无法打开文件“libfreetype2.lib” F:\HC\HC\Client\Code_Client\projects\Game\proj.win32\LINK   CardGame


Or can you share your visual studio version and the cocos2d version?

exmex commented 2 years ago

This shows you which version of the cocos SDK you'll need: https://github.com/exmex/HC/blob/6f3b107b82e47b352ebcbc61eda7cf89c962f8e5/Client/Code_Client/CHANGELOG#L1

"install" means replacing the cocos2d SDK that is shipped in this repository. Since I probably forgot some dll or lib or any file that prevents you from building the game. It is just a precaution since this file blocked the upload of .lib and .dll and alot more files.

Have no idea what it says:

错误  2   error MSB3073: 命令“if not exist "F:\HC\HC\Client\Code_Client\projects\..\build\Debug.win32\" mkdir "F:\HC\HC\Client\Code_Client\projects\..\build\Debug.win32\"
xcopy /Y /Q "F:\HC\HC\Client\Code_Core\cocos2dx\proj.win32\..\platform\third_party\win32\libraries\*.*" "F:\HC\HC\Client\Code_Client\projects\..\build\Debug.win32\"

:VCEnd”已退出,代码为 4。   C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V120\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets  127 5   libcocos2d

But this prevents libcocos2d from building.