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Bittorrent to distribute models amongst nodes #99

Open austinbv opened 1 month ago

austinbv commented 1 month ago

I am opening an issue for discussion as well as a place holder for work where we use bittorrent to distribute large models amongst nodes.

Implementation Path

✅ Pros

AlexCheema commented 1 month ago

I really like this idea. @RayFernando1337 suggested something similar when we were running into issues with slow download for Llama 3.1 405b.

Lets use this as a design discussion.

stephanj commented 1 month ago

Possible option libtorrent with Python bindings



Other option: qBittorrent-API

⚠️ Claude Sonnet 3.5 code refactoring recommendations:

To design expanded node capabilities for BitTorrent roles in the Exo system, we'll need to enhance the existing node structure to incorporate BitTorrent functionality. Here's a proposed design approach:

  1. BitTorrent Manager Class

First, let's create a new class to manage BitTorrent operations:

import libtorrent as lt
from exo.inference.shard import Shard

class BitTorrentManager:
    def __init__(self, save_path: str):
        self.session = lt.session()
        self.save_path = save_path
        self.torrents = {}

    async def add_torrent(self, torrent_file: str, shard: Shard):
        info = lt.torrent_info(torrent_file)
        handle = self.session.add_torrent({'ti': info, 'save_path': self.save_path})
        self.torrents[shard] = handle

    async def seed_model(self, model_path: str, shard: Shard):
        # Create torrent file and start seeding
        fs = lt.file_storage()
        lt.add_files(fs, model_path)
        t = lt.create_torrent(fs)
        lt.set_piece_hashes(t, self.save_path)
        torrent_file = t.generate()

        handle = self.session.add_torrent({'ti': torrent_file, 'save_path': self.save_path})
        self.torrents[shard] = handle

    async def download_model(self, torrent_file: str, shard: Shard):
        await self.add_torrent(torrent_file, shard)
        # Implement download progress tracking and completion check

    def get_download_progress(self, shard: Shard) -> float:
        if shard in self.torrents:
            handle = self.torrents[shard]
            return handle.status().progress
        return 0.0

    def is_download_complete(self, shard: Shard) -> bool:
        if shard in self.torrents:
            handle = self.torrents[shard]
            return handle.status().is_seeding
        return False
  1. Extend StandardNode Class

Now, let's modify the StandardNode class to incorporate BitTorrent capabilities:

from exo.orchestration.standard_node import StandardNode
from exo.inference.shard import Shard

class BitTorrentEnabledNode(StandardNode):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.bt_manager = BitTorrentManager(save_path="/path/to/model/storage")
        self.seeding_shards = set()

    async def ensure_model(self, shard: Shard):
        if shard in self.seeding_shards:
            return  # Model already available

        # Check if any peer has the model
        for peer in self.peers:
            if await peer.has_model(shard):
                torrent_file = await peer.get_torrent_file(shard)
                await self.bt_manager.download_model(torrent_file, shard)

        # If no peer has the model, become the seed node
        await self.become_seed_node(shard)

    async def become_seed_node(self, shard: Shard):
        # Download model from HuggingFace or other source
        model_path = await self.download_from_source(shard)
        await self.bt_manager.seed_model(model_path, shard)

    async def download_from_source(self, shard: Shard) -> str:
        # Implement logic to download model from HuggingFace or other source

    async def has_model(self, shard: Shard) -> bool:
        return shard in self.seeding_shards

    async def get_torrent_file(self, shard: Shard) -> str:
        # Return the .torrent file for the requested shard

    async def process_prompt(self, shard: Shard, prompt: str, *args, **kwargs):
        await self.ensure_model(shard)
        return await super().process_prompt(shard, prompt, *args, **kwargs)

    async def process_tensor(self, shard: Shard, tensor: np.ndarray, *args, **kwargs):
        await self.ensure_model(shard)
        return await super().process_tensor(shard, tensor, *args, **kwargs)
  1. Modify PeerHandle Interface

Update the PeerHandle interface to include BitTorrent-related methods:

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class PeerHandle(ABC):
    # ... existing methods ...

    async def has_model(self, shard: Shard) -> bool:

    async def get_torrent_file(self, shard: Shard) -> str:
  1. Update GRPCPeerHandle Implementation

Implement the new methods in the GRPCPeerHandle class:

class GRPCPeerHandle(PeerHandle):
    # ... existing methods ...

    async def has_model(self, shard: Shard) -> bool:
        request = node_service_pb2.HasModelRequest(shard=node_service_pb2.Shard(**shard.to_dict()))
        response = await self.stub.HasModel(request)
        return response.has_model

    async def get_torrent_file(self, shard: Shard) -> str:
        request = node_service_pb2.GetTorrentFileRequest(shard=node_service_pb2.Shard(**shard.to_dict()))
        response = await self.stub.GetTorrentFile(request)
        return response.torrent_file
  1. Update gRPC Service Definition

Add new RPC methods to the node_service.proto file:

service NodeService {
  // ... existing methods ...

  rpc HasModel (HasModelRequest) returns (HasModelResponse) {}
  rpc GetTorrentFile (GetTorrentFileRequest) returns (GetTorrentFileResponse) {}

message HasModelRequest {
  Shard shard = 1;

message HasModelResponse {
  bool has_model = 1;

message GetTorrentFileRequest {
  Shard shard = 1;

message GetTorrentFileResponse {
  string torrent_file = 1;

This design expands the node capabilities to include BitTorrent roles:

Next steps would involve implementing these changes, thoroughly testing the new BitTorrent functionality, and integrating it with the existing node discovery and communication mechanisms.

stephanj commented 1 month ago

Prototype how to simulate the BitTorrent flow:

⚠️ Claude Sonnet 3.5 code :

Let's create a basic prototype to demonstrate the BitTorrent distribution flow for Exo. This prototype will simulate the process of distributing a model file among multiple nodes. We'll use the libtorrent library for BitTorrent functionality and asyncio for asynchronous operations.

Here's a step-by-step prototype implementation:

  1. First, let's set up the necessary imports and a basic Node class:
import asyncio
import libtorrent as lt
import os
import tempfile
import time
from dataclasses import dataclass

class Shard:
    model_id: str
    start_layer: int
    end_layer: int
    n_layers: int

class Node:
    def __init__(self, node_id: str, save_path: str):
        self.node_id = node_id
        self.save_path = save_path
        self.session = lt.session()
        self.torrents = {}

    async def create_torrent(self, file_path: str, shard: Shard):
        fs = lt.file_storage()
        lt.add_files(fs, file_path)
        t = lt.create_torrent(fs)
        lt.set_piece_hashes(t, os.path.dirname(file_path))
        torrent_file = t.generate()

        torrent_path = os.path.join(self.save_path, f"{shard.model_id}.torrent")
        with open(torrent_path, "wb") as f:

        return torrent_path

    async def seed_model(self, file_path: str, shard: Shard):
        torrent_file = await self.create_torrent(file_path, shard)
        handle = self.session.add_torrent({'ti': lt.torrent_info(torrent_file), 'save_path': self.save_path})
        self.torrents[shard.model_id] = handle
        print(f"Node {self.node_id} is seeding {shard.model_id}")

    async def download_model(self, torrent_file: str, shard: Shard):
        handle = self.session.add_torrent({'ti': lt.torrent_info(torrent_file), 'save_path': self.save_path})
        self.torrents[shard.model_id] = handle
        print(f"Node {self.node_id} started downloading {shard.model_id}")

        while not handle.is_seed():
            s = handle.status()
            print(f"Node {self.node_id} - {shard.model_id}: {s.progress:.2%} complete (down: {s.download_rate / 1000:.1f} kB/s up: {s.upload_rate / 1000:.1f} kB/s peers: {s.num_peers})")
            await asyncio.sleep(1)

        print(f"Node {self.node_id} completed downloading {shard.model_id}")

    async def get_peers(self):
        return [p.ip for handle in self.torrents.values() for p in handle.get_peer_info()]
  1. Now, let's create a function to simulate the BitTorrent distribution flow:
async def simulate_distribution(num_nodes: int, model_size_mb: int):
    temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    nodes = [Node(f"node_{i}", os.path.join(temp_dir, f"node_{i}")) for i in range(num_nodes)]

    # Create a dummy model file
    model_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, "model.bin")
    with open(model_path, "wb") as f:
        f.write(os.urandom(model_size_mb * 1024 * 1024))

    shard = Shard("test_model", 0, 31, 32)

    # Node 0 becomes the seed
    await nodes[0].seed_model(model_path, shard)

    # Other nodes download the model
    torrent_file = os.path.join(nodes[0].save_path, f"{shard.model_id}.torrent")
    download_tasks = [node.download_model(torrent_file, shard) for node in nodes[1:]]
    await asyncio.gather(*download_tasks)

    # Print final peer connections
    for node in nodes:
        peers = await node.get_peers()
        print(f"Node {node.node_id} connected to peers: {peers}")

    # Clean up
    for node in nodes:
        for handle in node.torrents.values():

    return nodes

# Run the simulation
async def main():
    await simulate_distribution(num_nodes=5, model_size_mb=100)

if __name__ == "__main__":

This prototype demonstrates the following BitTorrent distribution flow:

  1. We create a specified number of Node instances, each representing an Exo node.
  2. A dummy model file of the specified size is created to simulate a large model file.
  3. The first node (node_0) becomes the seed, creating a torrent file and starting to seed the model.
  4. All other nodes then start downloading the model using the torrent file from the seed node.
  5. The download progress for each node is printed, showing the BitTorrent protocol in action with peer connections and transfer rates.
  6. After all downloads are complete, we print the final peer connections for each node.

To run this prototype:

  1. Install the required libraries:

    pip install libtorrent
  2. Save the code in a file, e.g., bittorrent_prototype.py

  3. Run the prototype:

    python bittorrent_prototype.py

This basic prototype demonstrates the core concept of using BitTorrent for model distribution in Exo. It shows how nodes can seed and leech model files, and how the distribution can happen in parallel among multiple nodes.

Next steps for integrating this into Exo would include:

  1. Adapting the Node class to work with Exo's existing StandardNode class.
  2. Implementing proper error handling and recovery mechanisms.
  3. Integrating with Exo's existing peer discovery and communication systems.
  4. Adding functionality to check for partial downloads and resume interrupted transfers.
  5. Implementing secure transfer and verification of model files.
  6. Optimizing for large-scale deployments and varying network conditions.

This prototype serves as a starting point to understand the basics of BitTorrent integration and can be expanded upon to meet Exo's specific requirements for model distribution.

AlexCheema commented 1 month ago

@stephanj you’re going too much into implementation details. Turn the ai tool off for now and let’s try to think about what we actually want here at a high level

da-moon commented 1 month ago

You might want to take a look at linp2p from Protocol Labs. The Go version of that library is what powers IPFS. I looked into the code long time ago. From what I recall, libp2p uses a simplified for of Bittorrent protocol . I think that library has a lot of decent APIs that would match your networking requirements

UPDATE: seems like they have not implemented Bittorrent in their python codebase as of now