exochron / MountJournalEnhanced

This is an interface addon for World of Warcraft, which extends the ingame mount journal with some cool stuff.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Bug] Mount stats information bugs out if you swap tabs #106

Closed zeenk closed 4 months ago

zeenk commented 4 months ago

I'd also suggest adding a "Reset window frame size" button down by the other controls if you'd like to go back to default size to match all the other tab window sizes 😄 Nvm, you just drag it back until you can't anymore to get the default size again so probably not needed :P

Edit: Deleted my savedvariable file just to test default settings, and no issues with default window size so it only bugs out if you have adjusted the window size


exochron commented 4 months ago

Thank you for reporting this bug. I wouldn't have found it. :smile:

exochron commented 4 months ago

just released in version 2.33.0

btw there are several reset methods for the size. (try the wrench icon or /mje reset size) I just wouldn't add a separate button for that onto the journal. It feels a bit unnecessary to have that always shown.

zeenk commented 4 months ago

just released in version 2.33.0

btw there are several reset methods for the size. (try the wrench icon or /mje reset size) I just wouldn't add a separate button for that onto the journal. It feels a bit unnecessary to have that always shown.

Oh yeah I see the "Reset journal size" setting now, didn't know it existed 👍