exodus4d / pathfinder

Mapping tool for EVE ONLINE
MIT License
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Character Not Logging In #1009

Open nightf0x0012 opened 3 years ago

nightf0x0012 commented 3 years ago

This started last night with my character not being followed on the map. I proceeded to logout and when I came back I get an error saying "Access Denied Failed to load characterData from ESI". I went to Eveonline and under account settings and revoked tokens on all devices and getting the same error still. Not sure which side is having problems, eve or pathfinder but pathfinder is showing everything offline. See screenshots attached.

2020-12-18 06_27_36-Pathfinder 2020-12-18 06_26_18-Pathfinder

stuffnthings01 commented 3 years ago

I am having the exact same problem as shown above. Some of my corp mates seem to be able to use it just fine, though they say it is not auto-updating for them when they jump wormholes. I noticed the problem yesterday, and it is still ongoing today (pacific time)

I setup PathFinder on my own web host and it seems to authenticate just fine and shows Tranq and ESI are online -- whereas the public pathfinder server does not.

stuffnthings01 commented 3 years ago

Further to previous, I can go to esi.evetech.net and sign in there no problems, so there's nothing wrong there.

GQuantrill commented 3 years ago

The error from the getServer status reads: You have been banned from using ESI. Please come chat with us in #esi on tweetfleet slack and we can work to a (truncated...

CCP have obviously blocked the public pathfinder for whatever reason (most likely abuse)

RSalo commented 3 years ago

Have the same error. Should I do anything or this problem related to pathfinder?

nightf0x0012 commented 3 years ago

It's related to pathfinder. we're all stuck atm

GQuantrill commented 3 years ago

You can run you're own local ones. I use a docker container to run my own private pathfinder and it's working fine.

stuffnthings01 commented 3 years ago

It’s the public pathfinder that’s screwed. You can do something about it — setup your own instance! With all this going on I rented my own VPS and now our Corp has our very own instance of pathfinder working perfectly. I used LetsEncrypt for free SSL on it too, and registered a domain name for the Corp. Costs about $6 a month for the vps and $15 for the domain name. Corp members offered to send me ISK to help cover costs, and I directed them to send to Corp wallet so we can build more crap. Win/win!

nightf0x0012 commented 3 years ago

Any workaround for us non-IT/CS knowledgeable people? I can just use tripwire until it's resolved if it comes to that.

stuffnthings01 commented 3 years ago

Any workaround for us non-IT/CS knowledgeable people? I can just use tripwire until it's resolved if it comes to that.

Yeah either use other tech like Tripwire, or work out a deal with an IT/CS person to set up PF for you.

dkovar commented 3 years ago

Also setting up a private PF instance.

nightf0x0012 commented 3 years ago

For those that aren't tech savvy enough to set this up yourself, check out https://forums.eveonline.com/t/it-authentication-platforms-pathfinder-hosting-and-more/173365 He set this up in less than 12 hours and it's payable in isk. Sorry for the mention but I would have been sitting here for days trying to figure this out on my own and I'm sure that there are others out there that could use the help.