exodus4d / pathfinder

Mapping tool for EVE ONLINE
MIT License
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New functionality - set rally point poke for Telegram and Signal #1038

Open Shadow-230 opened 2 years ago

Shadow-230 commented 2 years ago


I have a quick question or suggestion for new functionality.

Do you think it's possible to add Telegram and Signal integration for rally point poke? If I would like to do it on my own, is it possible to use API for this or this needs to be embeded in to pathfinder code? Additionall, can this config be done per corporation/alliance/private, instead pathfinder instance?


TyrHeimdalEVE commented 2 years ago

Changes would have to be made to the code to allow for the API hostnames to be set, also if the API format is different (as in it isn't slack-style compatible) it would also need to be added as well.