exodus4d / pathfinder

Mapping tool for EVE ONLINE
MIT License
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[Feature Request] Add Higgs Anchor/MWD flagging for WH connection mass calculation #688

Open Maldaris opened 5 years ago

Maldaris commented 5 years ago

The wormhole mass remaining calculation is functionally useless if any kind of Higgs/MWD use occurs on the wormhole. Often times, situations arise where a rolling battleship/threading HIC, (RIP), will not complete the rolling process/leave a WH critical mass, and without a way to track Cold/Hot passes (MWD off/on), we're forced to track changes externally or in the signature description.

Possible solutions include a push button flag on jump records for the connection, or a binary estimate that displays the mass removed if the ship is using a MWD or not.

Maldaris commented 5 years ago

Updated the title to better reflect the intention of the issue.