Model editor crashed when I had on 1 tab an enity and on another tab an effect running.
When I switched back from the effect tab to my entity tab, it stayed, so my entity had an effect "attached"
How can this bug be reproduced?
1) Open some entity, like an enemy
2) Open another file, like effects/projectiles_and_trails/enemy_bullet_tank_boss
3) Switch back to the entity tab (dont close effect tab)
4) Crash
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Model editor crashed when I had on 1 tab an enity and on another tab an effect running. When I switched back from the effect tab to my entity tab, it stayed, so my entity had an effect "attached"
How can this bug be reproduced?
1) Open some entity, like an enemy 2) Open another file, like effects/projectiles_and_trails/enemy_bullet_tank_boss 3) Switch back to the entity tab (dont close effect tab) 4) Crash
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