exoscoriae / eXoDOS

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Baryon (1995) #2346

Open Python-Exoproject opened 3 years ago

Python-Exoproject commented 3 years ago

There is a version of the game on https://www.old-games.ru/game/download/2368.html that has more videos. It need to be installed fresh from the image. Only issue I had was that it flashed through the screen where your supposed to be able to select if your blue or red.

SmilingSpectre commented 3 years ago

It's also immensively less. Every used file is 5-7 times less than our version, and only videos recap this somewhat. So I suppose that it's two vastly different versions. But I have no idea what exactly different there.

TS2049 commented 1 year ago

I am looking into the different versions of Baryon I can find. The floppy version on old-games.ru is the same as the registered version in Total DOS Collection. In addition, I installed from our version's "floppy" folder, and it created files with identical hashes and (much larger) sizes to our existing game directory.

Using a hex editor to determine why our version would be so much larger than either the TDC/old-games "floppy" version or the old-games iso version, I discovered that our version has the same file structure as the TDC/old-games "floppy" one...except that the floppy installer we have writes the same code to each file 8 times, so our files are exactly 8 times larger. Seriously, if I took each file from "Baryon [SWR] (1995)(The Game Factory) [Action]", opened it in a hex editor, copied the entire code and pasted 7 copies of it to the end, the results for each file have the same hash as our version. Even DOS4GW.EXE has the same code repeated 8 times.

So our version of Baryon is the registered floppy version floating around, except bloated to 8x its normal size. The CD version has a different file structure, with most files timestamped 11/8/1995 (later than the floppy/SWR version's timestamps of 8/1/1995, which is also the timestamps on the files created if I install from our "floppy" folder). It's got many additional movie files (opening cinemas, etc). (ACRO0001.DAT on the CD has the same hash as ACRO0002.DAT on the non-bloated copies of the floppy version, otherwise all other files are different.)

We may want to consider upgrading to this CD version.