exoscoriae / eXoDOS

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Game zips stuffed by loss of hidden files during repacking of zips #5215

Closed parricc closed 2 weeks ago

parricc commented 3 weeks ago

As configured, this game does not run in DOSBox nor ScummVM.

Python-Exoproject commented 3 weeks ago

This is connected with issue #1696, it looks like we had a copy of the game with all the floppy files including a fixed com file and PCJR exe at some point but now the files are missing from eXoDOS even though the conf is setup to launch them. @SmilingSpectre Do you still have a copy or able to get another copy of the files that were discussed in the original ticket as they were not uploaded to the ticket?

Python-Exoproject commented 3 weeks ago

As for the scummvm launch option, we are removing it anyway so not going to fix that one

SmilingSpectre commented 3 weeks ago

@Python-Exoproject I never seen it, it seems. Previous issue seemingly indicates that NRS contacted eXo directly. There is no matching games at TDC - only one booter and one cryoflux images. Sorry.

SmilingSpectre commented 3 weeks ago

Ah, wait, I found it in the eXo's discussion. WINNIE.zip

And I see where the problem originated. All missed files are hidden. Can we have the same problem anywhere else?! %(

Python-Exoproject commented 3 weeks ago

Im repurposing this ticket to discus the core issue that the above uncovered.

It looks like when we repacked all the zips to switch out all the .ba1 files 15 game zips accidentally had hidden files removed with Winnie the Pooh in the Hundred Acre Wood being one of them.

Boohyaka investigated and found:

4 affected zips dont matter as the lost files are temporary doc files (~$xxx.doc style) or an autoexec.bat 2 affected zips were previously picked up and fixed via another ticket 9 affected zips need to be restored

The 9 games are:

4 Balls Billiards (1993) B-Clopd (2002) Cruncher (1991) Doni's Mazes (1985) Ein Kmo Bamba (1996) Mino's Adventure (1997) Time Runners (1994) Winnie the Pooh in the Hundred Acre Wood (1985) Dia Bolo (1997)

@boohyaka has placed a copy of each of the original working zips in the share drive under eXoDropBox\Personal Folders\Boohyaka\HiddenFix for use in restoring the games to working order

exoscoriae commented 2 weeks ago

replaced files