exoscoriae / eXoDOS

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Synthetic Dimensions games #5229

Open Python-Exoproject opened 2 weeks ago

Python-Exoproject commented 2 weeks ago

Three games by Synthetic Dimensions are affected by a graphics bug that causes some black lines to appear on screen throughout the game.

The affected games are: Chronicles of the Sword (1996), Druid - Daemons of the Mind (1995), and Perfect Assassin (1997)

@interloper98 noted on the Staging discord that ripsaw has made a TSR fix.

As well as the TSR he also noted some cycles fixes for two of the games which I tested and agree with as they reduce the cycles the games run at from max (via auto) which fixes text in one of the games to a readable rate.

Lastly, since ive been looking at mixer settings recently I also took the time to adjust the sound levels for the three games as the current inbalance caused the music to be very quiet. For Perfect Assassin and Chronicles of the Sword this means switching to Staging as in one case the fluidsynth needs adjusting which is done via mixer in Staging instead of fluid.gain and in the other case the required levels were different between ECE and Staging and as Staging is used for Alt Launcher I set the levels for that.

Please find all required files here: eXoDOS.zip

Python-Exoproject commented 2 weeks ago

As an aside it might be worth keeping this open even after the above is implemented as Staging plan on integrating what the TSR does into dosbox code (https://github.com/dosbox-staging/dosbox-staging/issues/3762)

johnnovak commented 2 weeks ago

As an aside it might be worth keeping this open even after the above is implemented as Staging plan on integrating what the TSR does into dosbox code (dosbox-staging/dosbox-staging#3762)

As an aside it might be worth keeping this open even after the above is implemented as Staging plan on integrating what the TSR does into dosbox code (dosbox-staging/dosbox-staging#3762)

Yeah, I'm gonna do that probably tomorrow which will render the TSR unnecessary if all goes well 🤞🏻

exoscoriae commented 2 weeks ago

leaving this open for now. @Python-Exoproject , I copied your conf files over, extratced your modified run.bat files, and switched the games to 81.1.

I see the TSR is called VESA32

When is it called?

I see nothing in the run.bat files that calls it?

exoscoriae commented 2 weeks ago

converted druid conf to a staging compatible one

johnnovak commented 2 weeks ago

Fixed in the latest Staging 0.82-alpha dev build (you no longer need the TSR).