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Mutanoid Word Challenge, The (1992) #5238

Closed SmilingSpectre closed 3 months ago

SmilingSpectre commented 3 months ago

There are a couple of issues with this game.

  1. It's password-protected too, the same way as its Math counterpart. And the same way it stores passwords in plain text, so here they are. Mutanoid Word Challenge, The (1992).txt

  2. It stores user data in the same file as the sound data, so our sound selection method eliminates any progress for each re-run. It needs to be changed.

  3. The game haven't the way to eliminate the existing users, and have three junk users in a roster already. So I am uploading the clean roster - it still needs at least one "Dummy" user, to save the sound settings though. SETUP2.ZIP

  4. Infamous ibmpc5150 (he disappeared from betaarchive at 1st March, and I am troubled about it) uploaded the different floppy version for the game, without the protection, it seems. I suspect, the differences are deeper than that, as almost every file is different, but I haven't time and patience to check it thoroughfully. @Resulka checked it though and found zero differences, which is weird too... but who knows. Uploaded into github folder.

Mutanoid Word Challenge, The (1992) Floppies.zip

xmarksthespot81 commented 3 months ago


This Disk Image here has no Copy Protection: https://archive.org/details/003536-MutanoidWordChallenge

It´s weird considering those are supposed to be the Original Image Files. Could be a press release? I dunno. No patch necessary in this case.

All the best!

exoscoriae commented 3 months ago

@xmarksthespot81 those files won't mount for me at all, and if I dump their contents to disk it says there is no disk installed

exoscoriae commented 3 months ago

for whatever reason staging is able to load these images. ece could not.

reinstalled from images

exoscoriae commented 3 months ago

ok, this disk version ONLY has adlib or soundblaster.

mt32 and soundcanvas are missing.

which tells me that our version is newer. @xmarksthespot81 , would you mind cracking it?

I am ditching this version for our original.

exoscoriae commented 3 months ago

@SmilingSpectre seems you and Resulka didn't look super close, because these diska are the same as the ones @xmarksthespot81 linked to on archive. And they are missing MT32 and SC55

SmilingSpectre commented 3 months ago

@exoscoriae It's the same disks I uploaded on Github. Game installed from it is significantly different by files everywhere. Weird that I didn't notice sound missing.

xmarksthespot81 commented 3 months ago

Here is my fix for the Copy Protection:


After patching the file OVL5.MWC using my Patcher and making your Sound Selection using your run.bat File, you should run mwc_rein.exe in order to get a clean SETUP2.MWC without players.

If you replace the SETUP2.MWC, the players are being deleted (and Copy Protection Timer is also being reset, but this is not an issue anymore with my patch), so you should only run your Sound Selection once for exoDOS.


exoscoriae commented 3 months ago

all patched up. thanks!