exoscoriae / eXoDOS

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Cryptic Passage for Blood (1997) #5276

Closed parricc closed 1 month ago

parricc commented 2 months ago

Please replace the run.bat files with the ones in the attached zip archive. This fixes a Linux mounting issue without needing a separate file. CrypticP_fix.zip

parricc commented 1 month ago

@Python-Exoproject As we discussed, this game also has 3dfx issues due to problems in the run.bat file, which you have worked into an updated version. Please merge the changes from this ticket into that fix:

The following lines need be changed: if exist .\Blood\CD.SEL imgmount d ".\eXoDOS\CrypticP\cd\1unit.cue" -t cdrom imgmount d ".\eXoDOS\CrypticP\cd\1unit.cue" -t cdrom

To the following: if exist .\Blood\CD.SEL imgmount d C:\cd\1unit.cue -t cdrom imgmount d C:\cd\1unit.cue -t cdrom

Note that the second line to be changed occurs in two places: under the :cda label and under the :network label. The changed method of mounting the images works for this game in both Windows and Linux, eliminating the need to maintain two sets of files.

Python-Exoproject commented 1 month ago

What 3DFX option? Only the main Blood archive has the 3DFX user choice, we didnt provide the 3DFX choice for the separate instance of Cryptic Passage

parricc commented 1 month ago

@Python-Exoproject Agh. I posted that right before going to bed and was remembering wrong. But either way, like Blood, you are making changes to move this to Staging, correct? If so, we should roll out the mount changes along with those.

Python-Exoproject commented 1 month ago

Not moving it at the moment, just moving games that need it so for now my mini project is 3DFX games and this isnt one of those. If you have the run.bat from 18 June 24 then you are working on the latest one.

parricc commented 1 month ago

Gotcha. In that case, we should go ahead and merge the change in the zip I've attached.

exoscoriae commented 1 month ago

changes will be in an update file that affects the linux pack only.

I don't see anything above that explains sufficiently why this change should be pushed to the main pack.

parricc commented 1 month ago

@exoscoriae This zip file has already been updated since version 6.02 (last change 2024-06-20), so merging this fix will have no effect on anyone's download. But if you insist we push this change in a Linux update file, it needs to be implemented in a different way.

Here's my reasoning:

exoscoriae commented 1 month ago

repacked the game with the changed files and deleted the update file