exoscoriae / eXoDOS

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DOOM - eXoWAD (2021) #5303

Closed parricc closed 1 month ago

parricc commented 1 month ago

In gzrun.bat:

echo               -=[Bonus WADs]=-
echo Press A for Stauf's Mansion (11th Guest Bonus)
echo Press B for The Atari Corporate Offices
echo Press C for The National Videogame Museum
echo Press D for GZ PT (Recreation of the infamous P.T. demo)
echo Press E for One Humanity (Released to support Ukraine)
echo Press F for ACE Engine Demo
rem echo Press G for 
rem echo Press H for 
rem echo Press I for 
rem echo Press J for 
rem echo Press P for the Next Page
echo Press R to Return to the Main Menu
echo These are WADs that were included on official game discs as
echo bonuses or extras.

if errorlevel = 7 goto MAIN
rem if errorlevel = 16 goto TOP2
rem if errorlevel = 10 goto WAD10
rem if errorlevel = 9 goto WAD9
rem if errorlevel = 8 goto WAD8
rem if errorlevel = 7 goto WAD7
if errorlevel = 6 goto aceengine
if errorlevel = 5 goto onehumanity
if errorlevel = 4 goto GZPT
if errorlevel = 3 goto NVGM
if errorlevel = 2 goto ATARI
if errorlevel = 1 goto STAUF

For this menu option, the choice /C:ABCDEFGHIJNR /N line should be choice /C:ABCDEFR /N Otherwise, the R option will be associated with errorlevel = 12.

Edit: Grabbing this ticket back. Case corrections and explicit paths will need to be added to the gzrun.bat file to allow for easy maintainability for the Linux patch. I will also analyze the run.bat file to ensure the above error is not present in it as well. After everything has been fully investigated, corrected, tested, and uploaded, I will assign this back to eXo.

parricc commented 1 month ago

Pretty much every game has some incorrect case situations. I'm also catching some situations with other typos too, though.

E.g.: H2H XMAS being assigned the title Fistful of Doom, and Fistful of Doom using FISTIX.WAD instead of FISTFIX.WAD.

In addition to making changes to the run.bat and gzrun.bat files, I am also updating GZDoom to 4.12.2.

This will take a few days to make and verify the corrections as it means I'll be briefly opening every single option to test that it loads correctly.

parricc commented 1 month ago

I have finished going through the files. All typos should be fixed now. GZDoom is now 4.12.2. In addition, I have added the GZDoom compatible version of ZanZan TC (leaving the original files unaltered) and pointed the gzrun.bat file to it so that it plays as originally intended.

This has been uploaded to my personal folder in the eXoDropBox: DOOM - eXoWAD (2021).zip as it is 576.2 MiB.

parricc commented 1 month ago

Note that I still need to thoroughly test everything. I will assign this ticket back to eXo after I finish doing that.

parricc commented 1 month ago

GZDoom 4.12.2 had some issues (some WADs showed a black screen until pressing escape). It's been rolled back to 4.11.3, which works as expected on both Windows and Linux. The zip in my personal folder on the DropBox has been updated with these changes.

parricc commented 1 month ago

Added a few more game fixes. Outside of bat typos, the following have been fixed:

All games except for Doom Resurrection had sprite issues in GZDoom, which the above fixes. Doom Resurrection had a packaging issue that prevented it from working on anything other than an old version of ZDOOM. Luckily, it was a simple error that was easy to patch.

parricc commented 1 month ago

At this point, I have tested all levels and implemented all fixes where I saw problems. The GZDoom version is now 4.11.3. We will also need the same version of GZDoom in Sigil and Sigil2 (just verified they are already this).

Here are the files to fix the Linux version: eXoWAD_Linux_fix.zip

Note that the Linux files will not work without the modified main game zip that I have put in my folder in the eXoDropBox.

parricc commented 1 month ago

@exoscoriae I have finished my fixes and validations. Please replace the main zip with the one in my eXoDropBox, and then create a Linux update zip for the game directory with the files in eXoWAD_Linux_fix.zip.

exoscoriae commented 1 month ago

your first post is not correct. I tested it, and the "press r to return": works perfectly fine in gzrun.bat. The way error levels work, is any error level that is 7 or above will equal "7" in the if statement.

I will make different commetns for different posts, as there is a lot to unpack here

exoscoriae commented 1 month ago

ok... just going to trust you on this. changes pushed

parricc commented 1 month ago

A Linux update file for this still needs to be created. https://github.com/user-attachments/files/16328054/eXoWAD_Linux_fix.zip

exoscoriae commented 1 month ago
