expectocode / pagong

pagong - a site generator for slow connections
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Is it okay to delete dist/post/*? #3

Open Lonami opened 4 years ago

Lonami commented 4 years ago

It feels wrong to delete everything the user has put there without warning with no way to recover it. This operation is quite destructive. I think it would be okay to overwrite the files if they are named the same as the ones we would generate (i.e. some of the .html), but I don't think it's okay to delete a potential user's thesis.pdf without warning.


expectocode commented 4 years ago

My preferred solution to this is either don't delete, or prompt for deletion (like delete folder dist? y/n), and have a flag for "no dry run" - see https://orbifold.xyz/no-dry-run.html

Lonami commented 4 years ago

I think not deleting is probably the easiest and best thing to do, no need to inform the user or anything either.

expectocode commented 4 years ago

it's also the least useful thing to do