expectocode / pagong

pagong - a site generator for slow connections
Apache License 2.0
7 stars 2 forks source link

Standarize source information (e.g. for images) #4

Open Lonami opened 4 years ago

Lonami commented 4 years ago

What should be the "right way" to add a source link to images? Is this something we want to "standarize" by making it a "builtin" to our generator, or should users remember to be consistent in the way to link to original sources (for images or anything else).

For example, could this work?

![foo](bar.jpg "baz [source](https://example.com"))
expectocode commented 4 years ago

Not sure what the best solution is here - to support links in captions would take a bit of reworking of the HTML output, but that is why we "forked" it in the first place.

Lonami commented 4 years ago

Not only rework the HTML output, but potentially having to re-parse it as markdown during generation, which can get messy.

expectocode commented 3 years ago

What's so messy about re-parsing during generation? :) It could be a neat solution.

Lonami commented 3 years ago

Tools will most likely not recognise the insides of the string as markdown. We'd be basically making our own language at this point…

https://erikwinter.nl/articles/2020/why-i-built-my-own-shitty-static-site-generator/ is a good post to keep in mind, we want our tool to be as replaceable as any other (which works both ways, to get and lose users).

expectocode commented 3 years ago

i think we may have a difference of philosophy here - for me, this tool is about creating a tool that is tuned specifically to do the things I need it to do, and modifying the source code is acceptable for that.