Open martirius opened 6 years ago
There a limitation with the custom sigmoid in utitls. Try to use instead.
It's not working well if you train it on big objects only. Try to include small objects in the dataset.
Hi @experiencor , Thanks for your great work. I have some question about prediction and training. About training: i've trained on my own dataset(one class, images and bound boxes took from image-net), after 23 fo 50 epoch, the train process stopped saying this: Epoch 00023: val_loss did not improve Epoch 00023: early stopping /home/mattia/Tensorflow/keras-yolo2/ RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in exp return 1. / (1. + np.exp(-x)) n01443537 0.0000 mAP: 0.0000 and is not encouraging. However the val_loss and loss were enough low, loss: 0.1420 - val_loss: 0.1616 so i tried the trained weights and surprisingly it works quite well, tried with other classes images and no false positive detected. I've also modified for reading frames from a camera and it works but in a strange way: if the camera is really close to the picture(5-6 cm) it detects the object, but if i outdistance the camera from the picture(10 cm and more) it doesn't detect anything. Is this the normal behavior of your implementation of YoloV2? Because i didn't found this problem with darknet