experiencor / speed-prediction

Use 3D convolutional network to predict the speed of a car via dashcam stream. The final mean squared error on validation set is 3.1 (mile/hour)^2.
40 stars 18 forks source link

if you are getting some Qt plugin error make sure you execute import matlibplot prior to its packages. #5

Open abramjos opened 7 years ago

abramjos commented 7 years ago

I experienced this issue and its good to make it this way and I guess unset $LD_LIBARARY_PATH also do help since it is the plotting packages are looking for Qt plugins .

experiencor commented 7 years ago

Thank you @Abramjos!

Jack-cin commented 2 years ago

Dear author,will you let me know the version number of each component that the software depended on ?