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Fix upload issue in 2.2.5 by adding file and mime types #15

Closed oscarpas closed 5 years ago

oscarpas commented 5 years ago

Magento 2.2.5 adds a mime type check in the uploadFile method in Magento/Cms/Model/Wysiwyg/Images/Storage.php

If the mime type check fails the upload is aborted, giving the error message ”File validation failed.”

The allowed mime types are defined in Magento/Cms/etc/di.xml

So, we need to add file and mime types we want to support to the allowed and image_allowed arrays in di.xml.

jonathan-martz commented 5 years ago

The Fix is works for me. Magento 2.2.5 @lewisvoncken

barryvdh commented 5 years ago

Can this be merged, or is anything blocking this?

lewisvoncken commented 5 years ago

@barryvdh en @jonathan-martz This has been merged and I have just released 1.0.9

barryvdh commented 5 years ago

Thank jou!

jonathan-martz commented 5 years ago

Thanks @lewisvoncken