experius / Magento-2-Module-Experius-WysiwygDownloads

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Open Software License 3.0
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How can I remove this module? #18

Closed sdp49 closed 8 months ago

sdp49 commented 5 years ago

LogicException: Circular dependency: Magento\Framework\Logger\Monolog depends on Magento\Store\Model\Config\Processor\Fallback and vice versa.

I receive above error after installing from composer and have not been able to access my site. Can you help me?

cjnewbs commented 5 years ago

@sdp49 Are you still having this issue? I have just installed on a EE 2.3.1 instance and seems to be ok.

running bin/magento module:disable Experius_WysiwygDownloads then cleaning the cache should do the trick. There are no setup scripts so there should be no traces in the DB.