experius / Magento-2-Module-Experius-WysiwygDownloads

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Open Software License 3.0
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problem on loading image #4

Closed snuffer82 closed 6 years ago

snuffer82 commented 6 years ago

Hello, I have installed the module and it works correctly (magento 2.1.7)!!! However, I found an error when I load images in the product page default section. When I try to upload an image (of any extension) I receive this error:

We do not recognize or support this file extension type.

ps. If I disable the module the problem disappears

Thanks in advance problem_load_image

Update: I have investigated with firefox inspect element and i have found these 2 errors: {"Error": "$ _ FILES array is empty", "error code": 0} and Notice: Undefined index: extension in /xxx/vendor/experius/module-wysiwygdownloads/Image/Adapter/Gd2.php on line 35

alberthoekman commented 6 years ago

Same issue

lewisvoncken commented 6 years ago

is solved in 1.0.7
