experius / Magento-2-Module-Experius-WysiwygDownloads

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will it work for .stl file ? #9

Closed tousif12 closed 6 years ago

tousif12 commented 6 years ago

hi , thanks for great extension. I want to upload .stl file. where I need to change ?

lewisvoncken commented 6 years ago

Hi @tousif12

The following filetypes are available by default and it is possible to add extra filetypes to the allowed filetypes in the configuration of the module (General > Content Management > WYSIWYG Options > Extra Allowed Filetypes):

Word (doc, docm, docx) Excel (csv, xml, xls, xlsx) PDF (pdf) Compressed Folder (zip, tar)

This is also mentioned in the readme:


tousif12 commented 6 years ago

Sorry for asking general question as no other way to confirm it. I tried to found installation instruction but didnt get. I dont know where this extension folder to put ? can you guide