experius / Magento2-Module-Experius-ReindexCatalogUrlRewrites

Adds a function to Magento 2 to fix or 'reindex' your catalog product urls rewrites with a console command line script
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rename console command #4

Open lewisvoncken opened 7 years ago

lewisvoncken commented 7 years ago

Currently the command can be found under the prefix experius_reindexcatalogurlrewrites but it would be nice to add a prefix to it so it is in the Reindex Command list

  index:experius_reindexcatalogurlrewrites:producturls                  Regenerate url for given products
  index:list                                                            Lists all magento indexes
  index:reindex                                                         Reindex a magento index by code
  index:reindex:all                                                     Reindex all magento indexes

from: experius_reindexcatalogurlrewrites:producturls to: index:experius_reindexcatalogurlrewrites:producturls

nntoan commented 6 years ago

@lewisvoncken How about index:reindex:producturls ?