expersso / OECD

Reproducible and programmatic access to OECD data
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using the API to access OECD microdata #20

Open kprior91 opened 3 years ago

kprior91 commented 3 years ago

Hello I would very much like to access Donor Agency information in the CRS1 dataset using the OECD package via the OECD API. Using EU Institutions as an example, if I go onto the OECD website and download disbursement data for EU Institutions there is a column 'Donor Agency' that is not included if I pull EU Institutions using the API (code 918). Is there a way to also include the Donor Agency information in the OECD package? Many thanks

luifrancgom commented 1 year ago

Hello kprior91,

I acknowledge that this update might come with some delay. I navigated to the OECD website and successfully retrieved the disbursement data related to EU Institutions. In order to streamline the management of this substantial dataset, I opted for the Generate Delimited Text (CSV) file export feature. By employing this approach, I gained access to the entire array of variables at our disposal. Additionally, I applied a targeted query to narrow down the data points. Given the expansive nature of the complete dataset, our primary focus lies on the columns rather than the rows, enabling us to concentrate our analysis effectively. Here is the query for reference:


Upon executing this query, I obtained a CSV file named CRS1_06082023040436762.csv. However I couldn't locate a column labeled Donor Agency. Could you please upload the file you referred to with the Donor Agency column and include in extreme detail how you obtain this file from the OECD website?