expired6978 / F4SEPlugins

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Ingame sliders do not show in Looksmenu>Body>Advance #1

Open fernicar opened 4 years ago

fernicar commented 4 years ago

BodyGen works fine, tested in version 1.10.162, 1.10.130 and 1.10.80. I'm trying to isolate the problem, still no good answer about how to reproduce. Tried to retarget the project to Visual Studio 2019 and the compiled f4ee.dll just ctd the game before the movie intro, tested on 1.10.80, also rebuild and updated F4SE, and some Lock/Release functions and no luck... my knowledge on how to update the hardcoded pointers lead me nowhere. Any advice would be great.

Cris271204 commented 4 months ago

Also having the same problem here