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why always error #19

Open EchoLee0925 opened 3 years ago

EchoLee0925 commented 3 years ago

x$mrtryx() Using RadialMR package to detect outliers

Radial IVW

              Estimate Std.Error  t value     Pr(>|t|)

Effect (Mod.2nd) 0.4642212 0.1270201 3.654706 2.574768e-04 Iterative 0.4642212 0.1270201 3.654706 2.574768e-04 Exact (FE) 0.4733106 0.1214188 3.898166 9.692392e-05 Exact (RE) 0.4725122 0.1316867 3.588154 4.123941e-04

Residual standard error: 1.046 on 215 degrees of freedom

F-statistic: 13.36 on 1 and 215 DF, p-value: 0.000324 Q-Statistic for heterogeneity: 235.3058 on 215 DF , p-value: 0.163072

Outliers detected Number of iterations = 2 Error in .rowNamesDF<-(x, value = value) : invalid 'row.names' length