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[minify-literals] Consider switching away from `clean-css` #5

Open Erdragh opened 1 week ago

Erdragh commented 1 week ago

On clean-css's repo README it states it's in maintenance mode:

IMPORTANT: clean-css is now in a https://github.com/clean-css/clean-css/discussions/1209. PRs are still welcome, and I will try do an occasional bugfix release.

My components extensively use Nested CSS, which is Baseline 2023. As clean-css is in maintenance mode and not accepting any new features, there will likely not be any support for it. I wanted to look into reducing my library's footprint and the only real option I found was minify-literals or rather the vite plugin using it.

I am not intimately familiar with the world of CSS minifiers, but a quick Google search nets me CSSNano, which seems to use PostCSS, which should support CSS Nesting.

explodingcamera commented 1 week ago

Hi, I currently don't use this package for any projects personally but I'd be happy to accept an pr. Otherwise it might take a white for me to get to it. Right now, I lean more towards not depending on postcss but it seems like that's the only option from my limited research.

Edit: seems like lightning css could work well, however the HTML minifier also seems to be unmaintained and probably also needs to be changed.