explodinggradients / ragas

Evaluation framework for your Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) pipelines
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sentence_segmenter in metric should be adapt to language in adapt function? #1066

Open jmgu0212 opened 3 days ago

jmgu0212 commented 3 days ago

[ ] I have checked the documentation and related resources and couldn't resolve my bug.

Describe the bug It's good that almost all metric in ragas can be adapt to other language, but find the adaptation of sentence_segmenter happens directly after initialization(in __post_init__) for metrics that uses sentence_segmenter.

But I guess the adaptation of sentence_segmenter should happen in self.adapt func, otherwise the language is still the initial one.

Code to Reproduce

class Faithfulness(MetricWithLLM):
    name: str = "faithfulness"  # type: ignore
    evaluation_mode: EvaluationMode = EvaluationMode.qac  # type: ignore
    nli_statements_message: Prompt = field(
        default_factory=lambda: NLI_STATEMENTS_MESSAGE
    statement_prompt: Prompt = field(default_factory=lambda: LONG_FORM_ANSWER_PROMPT)
    sentence_segmenter: t.Optional[HasSegmentMethod] = None
    max_retries: int = 1
    _reproducibility: int = 1

    def reproducibility(self):
        return self._reproducibility

    def reproducibility(self, value):
        if value < 1:
            logger.warning("reproducibility cannot be less than 1, setting to 1")
            value = 1
        elif value % 2 == 0:
                "reproducibility level cannot be set to even number, setting to odd"
            value += 1
        self._reproducibility = value

    def __post_init__(self):
        if self.sentence_segmenter is None:
            language = self.nli_statements_message.language
            self.sentence_segmenter = get_segmenter(language=language, clean=False)

    def _create_nli_prompt(self, row: t.Dict, statements: t.List[str]) -> PromptValue:
        assert self.llm is not None, "llm must be set to compute score"

        contexts = row["contexts"]
        # check if the statements are support in the contexts
        contexts_str: str = "\n".join(contexts)
        statements_str: str = json.dumps(statements)
        prompt_value = self.nli_statements_message.format(
            context=contexts_str, statements=statements_str
        return prompt_value

    def _create_statements_prompt(self, row: t.Dict) -> PromptValue:
        assert self.sentence_segmenter is not None, "sentence_segmenter is not set"

        text, question = row["answer"], row["question"]
        sentences = self.sentence_segmenter.segment(text)
        sentences = [
            sentence for sentence in sentences if sentence.strip().endswith(".")
        sentences = "\n".join([f"{i}:{x}" for i, x in enumerate(sentences)])
        prompt_value = self.statement_prompt.format(
            question=question, answer=text, sentences=sentences
        return prompt_value

    def _compute_score(self, answers: StatementFaithfulnessAnswers):
        # check the verdicts and compute the score
        faithful_statements = sum(
            1 if answer.verdict else 0 for answer in answers.__root__
        num_statements = len(answers.__root__)
        if num_statements:
            score = faithful_statements / num_statements
            logger.warning("No statements were generated from the answer.")
            score = np.nan

        return score

    async def _ascore(
        self: t.Self, row: t.Dict, callbacks: Callbacks, is_async: bool
    ) -> float:
        returns the NLI score for each (q, c, a) pair
        assert self.llm is not None, "LLM is not set"

        p_value = self._create_statements_prompt(row)
        statements = await self.llm.generate(
        statements = await _statements_output_parser.aparse(
            statements.generations[0][0].text, p_value, self.llm, self.max_retries

        if statements is None:
            return np.nan

        statements = [item["simpler_statements"] for item in statements.dicts()]
        statements = [item for sublist in statements for item in sublist]

        assert isinstance(statements, t.List), "statements must be a list"

        p_value = self._create_nli_prompt(row, statements)
        nli_result = await self.llm.generate(

        nli_result_text = [
            nli_result.generations[0][i].text for i in range(self._reproducibility)
        faithfulness_list = [
            await _faithfulness_output_parser.aparse(
                text, p_value, self.llm, self.max_retries
            for text in nli_result_text

        faithfulness_list = [
            faith.dicts() for faith in faithfulness_list if faith is not None

        if faithfulness_list:
            faithfulness_list = ensembler.from_discrete(

            faithfulness_list = StatementFaithfulnessAnswers.parse_obj(
            return np.nan

        return self._compute_score(faithfulness_list)

    def adapt(self, language: str, cache_dir: t.Optional[str] = None) -> None:
        assert self.llm is not None, "LLM is not set"

        logger.info(f"Adapting Faithfulness metric to {language}")

        self.nli_statements_message = self.nli_statements_message.adapt(
            language, self.llm, cache_dir
        self.statement_prompt = self.statement_prompt.adapt(
            language, self.llm, cache_dir

    def save(self, cache_dir: t.Optional[str] = None) -> None:
dosubot[bot] commented 3 days ago

@jmgu0212 Hello there! I'm here to assist you with any bugs, questions, or contribution inquiries.

To ensure the sentence_segmenter is adapted to the correct language within the adapt function, you can modify the adapt method of the Faithfulness class to include the adaptation of the sentence_segmenter. Here is how you can do it:

  1. Add the sentence_segmenter adaptation logic to the adapt method.
  2. Ensure the sentence_segmenter is updated to the specified language.

Here is the updated code for the Faithfulness class:

class Faithfulness(MetricWithLLM):
    name: str = "faithfulness"  # type: ignore
    evaluation_mode: EvaluationMode = EvaluationMode.qac  # type: ignore
    nli_statements_message: Prompt = field(
        default_factory=lambda: NLI_STATEMENTS_MESSAGE
    statement_prompt: Prompt = field(default_factory=lambda: LONG_FORM_ANSWER_PROMPT)
    sentence_segmenter: t.Optional[HasSegmentMethod] = None
    max_retries: int = 1
    _reproducibility: int = 1

    def reproducibility(self):
        return self._reproducibility

    def reproducibility(self, value):
        if value < 1:
            logger.warning("reproducibility cannot be less than 1, setting to 1")
            value = 1
        elif value % 2 == 0:
                "reproducibility level cannot be set to even number, setting to odd"
            value += 1
        self._reproducibility = value

    def __post_init__(self):
        if self.sentence_segmenter is None:
            language = self.nli_statements_message.language
            self.sentence_segmenter = get_segmenter(language=language, clean=False)

    def _create_nli_prompt(self, row: t.Dict, statements: t.List[str]) -> PromptValue:
        assert self.llm is not None, "llm must be set to compute score"

        contexts = row["contexts"]
        contexts_str: str = "\n".join(contexts)
        statements_str: str = json.dumps(statements)
        prompt_value = self.nli_statements_message.format(
            context=contexts_str, statements=statements_str
        return prompt_value

    def _create_statements_prompt(self, row: t.Dict) -> PromptValue:
        assert self.sentence_segmenter is not None, "sentence_segmenter is not set"

        text, question = row["answer"], row["question"]
        sentences = self.sentence_segmenter.segment(text)
        sentences = [
            sentence for sentence in sentences if sentence.strip().endswith(".")
        sentences = "\n".join([f"{i}:{x}" for i, x in enumerate(sentences)])
        prompt_value = self.statement_prompt.format(
            question=question, answer=text, sentences=sentences
        return prompt_value

    def _compute_score(self, answers: StatementFaithfulnessAnswers):
        faithful_statements = sum(
            1 if answer.verdict else 0 for answer in answers.__root__
        num_statements = len(answers.__root__)
        if num_statements:
            score = faithful_statements / num_statements
            logger.warning("No statements were generated from the answer.")
            score = np.nan

        return score

    async def _ascore(
        self: t.Self, row: t.Dict, callbacks: Callbacks, is_async: bool
    ) -> float:
        assert self.llm is not None, "LLM is not set"

        p_value = self._create_statements_prompt(row)
        statements = await self.llm.generate(
        statements = await _statements_output_parser.aparse(
            statements.generations[0][0].text, p_value, self.llm, self.max_retries

        if statements is None:
            return np.nan

        statements = [item["simpler_statements"] for item in statements.dicts()]
        statements = [item for sublist in statements for item in sublist]

        assert isinstance(statements, t.List), "statements must be a list"

        p_value = self._create_nli_prompt(row, statements)
        nli_result = await self.llm.generate(

        nli_result_text = [
            nli_result.generations[0][i].text for i in range(self._reproducibility)
        faithfulness_list = [
            await _faithfulness_output_parser.aparse(
                text, p_value, self.llm, self.max_retries
            for text in nli_result_text

        faithfulness_list = [
            faith.dicts() for faith in faithfulness_list if faith is not None

        if faithfulness_list:
            faithfulness_list = ensembler.from_discrete(

            faithfulness_list = StatementFaithfulnessAnswers.parse_obj(
            return np.nan

        return self._compute_score(faithfulness_list)

    def adapt(self, language: str, cache_dir: t.Optional[str] = None) -> None:
        assert self.llm is not None, "LLM is not set"

        logger.info(f"Adapting Faithfulness metric to {language}")

        self.nli_statements_message = self.nli_statements_message.adapt(
            language, self.llm, cache_dir
        self.statement_prompt = self.statement_prompt.adapt(
            language, self.llm, cache_dir

        if self.sentence_segmenter is not None:
            self.sentence_segmenter = get_segmenter(language=language, clean=False)

    def save(self, cache_dir: t.Optional[str] = None) -> None:

In this updated code, the adapt method now includes logic to adapt the sentence_segmenter to the specified language. This ensures that the sentence_segmenter is correctly updated when the adapt method is called [1].

To continue talking to Dosu, mention @dosu.