exploit-development / iOS-Hacktivation-Toolkit

iOS Hacktivation Toolkit
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Kali Linux broken not accessible #10

Open chesterbaynes opened 3 years ago

chesterbaynes commented 3 years ago

After trying to restore ipad to factory settings it got stuck at 91 percent.

After restart ok kali it will not boot anymore and its broken. the login screen dont appear.

Is there anyway to fix this? or this is malware?

Looks like malware to me

0x14307 commented 3 years ago

Seems like you probably screwed up your bootloader or something else with Kali so you would probably need to reinstall your bootloader and/or your OS.

And to also mention, its not malware because its a literal shell script that communicates over SSH to an iOS device.

chesterbaynes commented 3 years ago


Yes the bootloader has crashed after using Hacktivation Tool.

It was going pretty well and loaded up new firmvare up to 91 percent, Then after restart kali system crashed.

Is this tool actually working in 2021? not sure if risk again to destroy my kali install...

0x14307 commented 3 years ago

Like I said, you probably messed up something with Kali and/or your bootloader.

Plus on the repo it clearly says "Tested on Debian 10 and Ubuntu 20.04", and while Kali IS a Debian based OS, it isn't guaranteed to work.

You have multiple options: -Actually find the issue (most likely a bad dependency) -Install Grub -Dual boot a different Debian based OS (Ubuntu, Mint, etc.) -Reinstall Kali entirely

chesterbaynes commented 3 years ago

Thank You for explanation !!

Hacktivation commented 3 years ago

nothing to do with this script. the device restore is done using idevicerestore. your issue with grub is seperate