exploitagency / ESPloitV2

WiFi Keystroke Injection Tool designed for an Atmega 32u4/ESP8266 Paired via Serial (Cactus WHID Firmware). Also features Serial, HTTP, and PASV FTP exfiltration methods and an integrated Credential Harvester Phishing tool called ESPortal.
MIT License
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Function of transferring a file of the ESploitV2. #21

Closed winner13 closed 6 years ago

winner13 commented 6 years ago

I apologize for my bad English.

I need to interact(get result.txt) with a remote machine that does not have a network. As it turned out, through the WHID injector, I can't receive data through the network itself Esploit, and it's sad.

Is it possible to use 3 megabytes of flash memory internally as a disk in Windows to transfer and receive files through it?

The algorithm is as follows:

  1. Download the file getTEMP.cfg via ftp on Esploit.
  2. Connect an internal flash memory(3 megabytes) as a Windows disk.
  3. Use this playload: Rem:GET RESULT Press:131+114 PrintLine:cmd PrintLine:echo F:>>payload.bat PrintLine:echo copy F:\getTEMP.cfg C:\area\cfg\>>payload.bat PrintLine:echo start C:\area\control.exe>>payload.bat PrintLine:payload.bat PrintLine:echo copy C:\area\result.txt F:\>>result.bat PrintLine:result.bat PrintLine:exit

Disk "F" - it's internal memory of Esploit, if there is a possibility to connect internal memory as a Windows disk.

  1. And I already through wi-fi will be with ftp Esploit, broat the file with the results.
  2. Set up the Ncrone, every hour, to perform the first 4 items, and take a file with the results.
exploitagency commented 6 years ago

Mass storage is not a current feature.

Read the readme file and look at the example payloads. As I said previously try using the serial exfiltration method. No networking is needed.

Everything is in the readme.

exploitagency commented 6 years ago

Wait, I misread the question.

I thought the victims computer could not access esploit as the victims computer has no networking capability. But now your saying you download a file via ftp(why not just download it via http). Anyways this implies networking works and the computer does have networking capabilities.

If the computer has networking capabilities then use htttp exfiltration methods, ftp exfiltration methods or others. Just look at the readme and example payloads.

winner13 commented 6 years ago

But now your saying you download a file via ftp(why not just download it via http)

I meant the Exploit network, you can connect to the WHID injector, via FTP, ftp: // ftp-admin: hacktheplanet@

How can I interact with the computer with a "victim" via WHID?

Simply emulate the click, make the file the temperature monitoring result, I can already, how do I retrieve the temperature file, if there are no other networks, and you can not often approach the computer?

P.S. For the project monitoring Temporature, there is no money, I thought that I buy a Wi-Fi adapter, and I was wrong. But it seems to me, if there is a solution with interaction and control, then WHID solve several problems at once.

winner13 commented 6 years ago

Is there a possibility, or hope, of the internal memory(2949250 bytes) of the WHID to connect to Windows as a flash disk???

I need to interact with the system from the outside, only through the WHID

exploitagency commented 6 years ago

Not to sound offensive but I just can't understand you and am unsure if you have a solid grasp of what you have purchased. Please READ THE README. I put all of the information needed to be successful in the readme.

Does the victims computer possess the ability to connect to a WiFi network?

If yes then then the ESPloit can host its own private network by means of providing its own access point. The computer must have a way to connect to this access point. Thus look at my question above.

Did you read the readme? Linked below is the relevant section of exfiltrating data.


Did you test the example payloads? Look at the exfil win payloads. Included is serial, http, ftp, you can even exfil data by blinking the led and analyzing the blinks although that is not an included payload just a creative option.


exploitagency commented 6 years ago

There is no need for any network to exfiltrate data when using the serial exfiltration method.

There is no need for internet connectivity when exfiltrating data over a network directly to the esploit via http or ftp methods, but you can have the victim use pastebin or similar if you have internet access.

There are a ton of scenarios and options available, all it takes is a bit of creativity.

I will not spoonfeed people custom payloads for their obscure requests, especially if someone does not want to do any research on their own when I have worked hard on providing examples and documentation. I have provided everything needed to be successful.

What is your question? Plus you still have not answered mine.

exploitagency commented 6 years ago

I already told you no "flash disk" mass storage is not implemented. It may be in the future.

exploitagency commented 6 years ago

Exfiltration is the process of retrieving the data. Is this word where the confusion is coming into play?

exploitagency commented 6 years ago

Also I suggest against using the FTP methods as HTTP methods are faster and only Passive mode ftp is supported.