exploitagency / ESPloitV2

WiFi Keystroke Injection Tool designed for an Atmega 32u4/ESP8266 Paired via Serial (Cactus WHID Firmware). Also features Serial, HTTP, and PASV FTP exfiltration methods and an integrated Credential Harvester Phishing tool called ESPortal.
MIT License
558 stars 136 forks source link

Device will not reset #51

Closed RLSUK closed 5 years ago

RLSUK commented 5 years ago

Hi, I have device which is working fine and I can log into the device using the advised settings:-

SSID "Exploit" Password "DotAgency" Open a web browser pointed to "" The default administration username is "admin" and password "hacktheplanet".

I want to connect this device to my local network and before I perform this I wanted to be sure I could reset the device should the settings fail in any way.

So following the reset guide I installed the Arduino IDE and followed these instructions:-

Plug the device into your computer. Open the Arduino IDE. Select Tools - Board - "LilyPad Arduino USB". Select Tools - Port and the port the device is connected to. (in my instance COM3 Lilly Pad Arduino USB) Select Tools - "Serial Monitor". Select "38400 baud". Now type in "ResetDefaultConfig:". Without the quotes but be sure to include the colon symbol. Click Send. You should now receive the following reply "Resetting configuration files back to default settings."

So in the Serial Monitor I enter ResetDefaultConfig: and click send, the LED on the device flashes once and the following response appears in the Serial Monitor :- Relaying command to connected ESP device.

The monitor never provides a response and the LED never flashes again, However the device is still working as normal.

I have changed a couple of settings and applied them so the device is not in a default state but following the instructions I still cannot reset the device.

Any advice on how I can reset my device as I would like to be confident this can be done before I potentially lock myself out with incorrect Wi Fi settings?

RLSUK commented 5 years ago

OK so after a little trail and error the device is now resetting however the Serial Monitor does not confirm the reset function.