explore-eda / SilentNight-MT

A mock trial for In Home Assessment of Three Anti-Snoring Devices, a cross over study SRC-AI-SilentNight-10090 Version 3.0
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Create Shell for SAP Appendix #12

Open james-eda opened 7 months ago

james-eda commented 7 months ago
khsarvar commented 7 months ago

Screenshots collected in OneNote Result page? As PDF?

james-eda commented 7 months ago

Later, these pages will be selected from the SAP, printed separately as PDFs, and annotated.

khsarvar commented 7 months ago

Ok! Should those shells be created using Word tables, or is it just screenshots?

james-eda commented 7 months ago

Officially, Word tables (I prefer to copy from OneNote)

khsarvar commented 7 months ago

Done! Available in OneDrive: https://netorgft5511632.sharepoint.com/:w:/s/edaclinical.com/EZdFO91hYmFDuztAeQDk6r0Bwyd402kSqAEgp4fNHRKFbA?e=U7Tnsa

james-eda commented 7 months ago

Looks very good! Copying from OneNote allows us to resize the length and width of the table in Word very easily - nice!

I separated SAP from Shells to enable landscape mode for Shells. I also added a Table of Contents. Shells may be updated as we develop the output (for example, we may add footnotes for clarification, update titles or numbering, and annotate).

For now, I added a few action items in the comments section so that we can consider this done (titles, numbers, bold labels).


khsarvar commented 7 months ago

Added numbering for each shell, modified some of the shells like adverse events and etc.

james-eda commented 7 months ago

@khsarvar Updated content - see table of contents. I have to

Please complete Report Generation Checklist at the end of the SAP. It is "a checklist of recommended items to include in a statistical analysis plan. Some of these are specific to clinical trials (based on this JAMA paper) and some are other are specific to observational studies (based on STROBE/RECORD guidelines), so every item will not be necessary for every project. [...]. This checklist was developed using the CONSORT 2010 Checklist."

I also added some comments to the shell.

Based on your findings, we will have to update the list of To-Do's req'd to finalize this deliverable and extract the table of contents for our QC plan

khsarvar commented 7 months ago

Regarding the checklist:

1, 2. I added a couple more listings, but I am not sure what else to add.

3. Not sure what shells would need Population Set Criteria (e.g., SAFFL) and Timing Criteria (e.g., APERIOD)