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Building a training loop - update example from spacy101 v2.x tutorial #123

Open avoutsas67 opened 2 years ago

avoutsas67 commented 2 years ago

Hello, can you please indicate how to change the code below to align with Spacy's current v3.2.x?

Thanks for your support,


import spacy
import random
import json

with open("exercises/en/gadgets.json") as f:
    TRAINING_DATA = json.loads(f.read())

nlp = spacy.blank("en")
ner = nlp.add_pipe('ner')

nlp.vocab.vectors.name = 'example'

# Start the training

# Loop for 10 iterations
for itn in range(10):
    # Shuffle the training data
    losses = {}

    for batch in spacy.util.minibatch(TRAINING_DATA, size=2):
        # Batch the examples and iterate over them
        texts = [text for text, annotation in batch]
        annotations = [annotation for text, annotation in batch]
        # Update the model
        nlp.update(texts, annotations)
        print("{0:.10f}".format(losses['ner']) )