expo / config-plugins

Out-of-tree Expo config plugins for packages that haven't adopted the config plugin system yet.
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skAdNetworkHandling always false or null? #158

Closed parK-dev closed 1 year ago

parK-dev commented 1 year ago


SkAdNetwork always null or false?

AdjustConfig {
  "allowAdServicesInfoReading": null,
  "allowIdfaReading": null,
  "allowiAdInfoReading": null,
  "appToken": "whatever",
  "coppaCompliantEnabled": null,
  "defaultTracker": null,
  "delayStart": null,
  "environment": "sandbox",
  "eventBufferingEnabled": null,
  "externalDeviceId": null,
  "info1": null,
  "info2": null,
  "info3": null,
  "info4": null,
  "isDeviceKnown": null,
  "linkMeEnabled": null,
  "logLevel": "SUPPRESS",
  "needsCost": null,
  "playStoreKidsAppEnabled": null,
  "preinstallFilePath": null,
  "preinstallTrackingEnabled": null,
  "processName": null,
  "readMobileEquipmentIdentity": null,
  "sdkPrefix": "react-native4.32.1",
  "secretId": null,
  "sendInBackground": null,
  "shouldLaunchDeeplink": null,
  "skAdNetworkHandling": false, // This guy here
  "urlStrategy": null,
  "userAgent": null,

skAdNetworkHandling is false if adjustConfig.deactivateSKAdNetworkHandling() is called. And null if it isnt. How do we make it true or enabled? If I want Adjust to have access to the StoreKit data?

Config Plugin


What platform(s) does this occur on?


SDK Version


Reproducible demo

import { Adjust, AdjustConfig } from "react-native-adjust";

export function initializeAdjustSdk() {
  const adjustConfig = new AdjustConfig(
    process.env.NODE_ENV === "production"
      ? AdjustConfig.EnvironmentProduction
      : AdjustConfig.EnvironmentSandbox
  adjustConfig.deactivateSKAdNetworkHandling(); // Will set to false or will be null if we dont call this
