expo / config-plugins

Out-of-tree Expo config plugins for packages that haven't adopted the config plugin system yet.
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Intercom config plugin needed, the current one not maintained anymore! #207

Open GabrielDierks opened 7 months ago

GabrielDierks commented 7 months ago




On this very README of expo config plugins there is this plugin mentioned, which has been working great for the longest time. Unfortunately it is not actively maintained anymore and since there are important fixes for iOS 17 included in the latest versions (6.0.0+), it would be amazing if we can have some support from the expo team here and make this an official plugin!

Any existing examples?


enagorny commented 7 months ago

duplicates https://github.com/expo/config-plugins/issues/27

ovidb commented 6 months ago

duplicates #27

Unfortunately the guy that created https://github.com/expo/config-plugins/issues/27 is the same guy that created the plugin which is not actively maintained - the chances of him raising a PR to add it to the mono-repo is highly unlikely imo.

enagorny commented 6 months ago

I've opened the PR to address this https://github.com/expo/config-plugins/pull/208 At the moment it is missing push notifications support

wcastand commented 2 weeks ago

just so you know the intercom package, support expo now out of the box no more need for a third party plugin https://github.com/intercom/intercom-react-native?tab=readme-ov-file#expo