After migrating from Expo 51 to 52, I am getting runtime errors on the dev and prod build for android.
(NOBRIDGE) ERROR Error: Exception in HostObject::get for prop 'RNCallKeep': com.facebook.react.internal.turbomodule.core.TurboModuleInteropUtils$ParsingException: Unable to parse @ReactMethod annotations from native module: RNCallKeep. Details: Module exports two methods to JavaScript with the same name: "displayIncomingCall [Component Stack]
Config Plugin
What platform(s) does this occur on?
SDK Version
Reproducible demo
Build an Expo 52 project with react-native-callkeep and on launch there will be the runtime error.
After migrating from Expo 51 to 52, I am getting runtime errors on the dev and prod build for android.
(NOBRIDGE) ERROR Error: Exception in HostObject::get for prop 'RNCallKeep': com.facebook.react.internal.turbomodule.core.TurboModuleInteropUtils$ParsingException: Unable to parse @ReactMethod annotations from native module: RNCallKeep. Details: Module exports two methods to JavaScript with the same name: "displayIncomingCall [Component Stack]
Config Plugin
What platform(s) does this occur on?
SDK Version
Reproducible demo
Build an Expo 52 project with react-native-callkeep and on launch there will be the runtime error.