expo / custom-expo-updates-server

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Serving custom expo updates server not working in Android or real device emulator #51

Open JuozasIzi1 opened 3 weeks ago

JuozasIzi1 commented 3 weeks ago

Serving custom expo updates server not working in Android or real device emulator:

Non of this worked with custom expo server (on Android only, IOS worked perfectly simulator + real device) "expo": "~50.0.0", , "expo updates" : "~0.24.13" also Updates.checkForUpdateAsync() is working but failing next step: Updates.fetchUpdateAsync() with getting: { "code": "ERR_UPDATES_FETCH" }

p.s. android:usesCleartextTraffic="true" enabled, but ngrok uses ssl already so still not working

yanugto commented 1 week ago

same problem.

JuozasIzi1 commented 18 hours ago

Hey, @wschurman any knowledge about this?

wschurman commented 9 hours ago

@JuozasIzi1 - can you detail the repro steps using this repo?