expo / custom-expo-updates-server

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[INFO] Why "force reload" to just check for updates ? #54

Open nouri-soirees opened 1 week ago

nouri-soirees commented 1 week ago

In the documentation README of this repo, "how expo updates works" section is there a reason to force close and reopen the app just to make the request ? I noticed this in the expo-updates package (from expo not from this repo) ?

Why not check for the update and then decide ? Is it really necessary to force reload the JS just to check if there is an update ? Just by enabling the expo-updates (from the supported files for ios and android) I noticed this "force reload" just as the app loads.

In the "release" app, force close and reopen the app to make a request for an update from the custom update server. The server will return a manifest that matches the requests platform and runtime version.