expo / ex-navigation

Route-centric navigation for React Native
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Styling the default back button on the left side of the navbar #499

Open kay-es opened 6 years ago

kay-es commented 6 years ago


I'm pushing a screen from the bottom to the top with the navigationstyles.slidevertical. now i just want to my default back button in the way that its an arrow-down not arrow-left. is there any oppurturnity to style the button without override the goBack()-function? Because im not able to receive the navigator either with the @withNavigation annotation nor with passing the navgiator through the route.

export default class DetailScreen extends React.Component {

  static route = {
    styles: {
     backgroundColor: 'transparent'
   navigationBar: {
     height: 1,
     renderLeft: (state, props)  => (
       <TouchableOpacity onPress={ GOBACK HERE )}>
         style={{ backgroundColor: 'transparent',
                  marginTop: Style.THREE_PERC,
                  marginLeft: Style.THREE_PERC}} />

best regards kay

kay-es commented 6 years ago


class BackButton extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <TouchableOpacity onPress={this._goBack}>
        style={{ backgroundColor: 'transparent',
                 marginTop: Style.THREE_PERC,
                 marginLeft: Style.THREE_PERC}} />

  _goBack = () => {
    if (this.props.navigator.getCurrentIndex() > 0) {

export default class DetailScreen extends React.Component {

  static route = {
    styles: {
     backgroundColor: 'transparent'
   navigationBar: {
     height: 1,
     renderLeft: (state, props)  => (
       <BackButton />
