expo / examples

Example projects that demonstrate how to use Expo APIs and integrate Expo with other popular tools
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CRACO example? #341

Open eldadcaspi opened 3 years ago

eldadcaspi commented 3 years ago

Hi there, It'd be great to have a CRACO example as it gains popularity. Specifically, how to add expo >=43 to an existing CRA CRACO project and still be able to use the expo CLI to start it, e.g. with https and other goodies that expo brings to web development out of the box. I wish I could help but I couldn't bring a "reversal-scenario" of the storybook example to work as a first step in the direction... (where 'expo start' will run/chain/pipe the storybook cli under the hood).


EvanBacon commented 2 years ago

Any links to that?

eldadcaspi commented 2 years ago

Sorry, not at the moment. Planning to get back to this soon enough though. Thanks