expo / expo-cli

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EAS Build: unwanted opacity for Text elements #3524

Closed lilioque closed 3 years ago

lilioque commented 3 years ago

Platform: Android

Since I started building my app using EAS build, text in some of my components has become semi-transparent. Everything looks OK when I launch the app in Expo Go and everything was OK when I used 'expo build' command.

My dependencies from package.json:

"dependencies": {
    "@react-native-community/masked-view": "0.1.10",
    "@react-navigation/native": "^5.9.3",
    "@react-navigation/stack": "^5.14.3",
    "expo": "^41.0.0",
    "expo-cli": "^4.4.6",
    "expo-constants": "~10.1.3",
    "expo-file-system": "~11.0.2",
    "expo-linking": "~2.2.3",
    "expo-localization": "~10.1.0",
    "expo-status-bar": "~1.0.4",
    "i18n-js": "^3.8.0",
    "react": "16.13.1",
    "react-dom": "16.13.1",
    "react-native": "~0.63.4",
    "react-native-animatable": "^1.3.3",
    "react-native-elements": "^3.3.0",
    "react-native-gesture-handler": "~1.10.2",
    "react-native-reanimated": "~2.1.0",
    "react-native-safe-area-context": "3.2.0",
    "react-native-screens": "~3.0.0",
    "react-native-web": "~0.13.12",
    "react-redux": "^7.2.3",
    "redux": "^4.0.5",
    "redux-logger": "^3.0.6",
    "redux-thunk": "^2.3.0",
    "expo-splash-screen": "~0.10.2",
    "expo-updates": "~0.5.4",
    "react-native-unimodules": "~0.13.3"
  "devDependencies": {
    "@babel/core": "~7.9.0"

Example of the affected component (it appears in a parent component inside ScrollView with contentContainerStyle={styles.dialogueContainer} :

const MessageBubble = ({message, imageSource}) => {
    return (
            <View style={message.owner ? styles.messageContainer : [styles.messageContainer, styles.messageContainerPet]}>
                    source={message.owner ? IMAGES['baby'] : imageSource} 
                <View style={message.owner ? styles.bubble : [styles.bubble, styles.bubblePet]} accessible={false}>
                    <Text style={message.owner ? styles.bubbleText : styles.bubbleTextPet}>{message.text}</Text>

Styles for that component and the parent ScrollView:

dialogueContainer: {
        paddingTop: 10,
        backgroundColor: Colors.backgroundColor
    messageContainer: {
        flex: 1,
        paddingVertical: 10,
        paddingHorizontal: 15,
        flexDirection: 'row',
    messageContainerPet: {
        flexDirection: 'row-reverse',
    bubble: {
        marginHorizontal: 10,
        marginTop: 18,
        padding: 10,
        width: '70%',
        borderRadius: 10,
        borderTopStartRadius: 0,
        backgroundColor: Colors.neutralColorLightest,
    bubblePet: {
        borderTopStartRadius: 10,
        borderTopEndRadius: 0,
        backgroundColor: Colors.neutralColorLight
    bubbleText: {
        fontSize: 18
    bubbleTextPet: {
        fontSize: 30

What I've tried so far to fix the issue:

Nothing helps.

Another affected component also consists of View and Text elements and uses styling. In addition, it has Linking from expo-linking.

Some other components, that use ListItem from React Native Elements and FlatList are OK.

UPD: I've attached screenshots for the app downloaded from Google Play (text on white background is semi-transparent) and launched in Expo Go.

photo5299033287647412271 photo5299033287647412270

EvanBacon commented 3 years ago

You can try running the app locally with expo run:android to get access to better debugging tooling.

lilioque commented 3 years ago

You can try running the app locally with expo run:android to get access to better debugging tooling.

Unfortunately, it throws an error ""run:android" is not an expo command -- did you mean build:android?" Earlier I tried ejecting to bare workflow and launching the app in the Android Studio emulator, text elements were normal, without opacity. I also have tried "expo start --no-dev --minify" - no issues either.

It seems that the issue only occurs in the production *.aab. I have downloaded a universal APK generated from the app bundle from Play Console and have launched it in the Android Studio emulator - yes, opacity appears, but I have no idea how to localize the issue in this case.

When I used "expo build" instead of "eas build" there was no such issue, so it is probably something that happens during the "eas build". Unfortunately, I can't return to "expo build", because my app is targeted at younger children and the Play Store rejects the build made by "expo build" because of the Facebook's Ad SDK.

EvanBacon commented 3 years ago

Please upgrade your copy of expo-cli, run:android and run:ios are new commands, I'd also recommend removing "expo-cli": "^4.4.6", from your project dependencies.

lilioque commented 3 years ago

Please upgrade your copy of expo-cli, run:android and run:ios are new commands, I'd also recommend removing "expo-cli": "^4.4.6", from your project dependencies.

Thank you!

lilioque commented 3 years ago

The problem happened to be because of inconsistency between text color in Expo Go and bare template on Android (https://github.com/expo/expo/issues/13118).

If someone needs a temporary solution - the problem can be fixed by explicitly assigning color property to Text elements.