expo / expo-three

Utilities for using THREE.js on Expo
MIT License
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Using expo-three via uni-modules can render the scene but only the first frame #222

Open TeamBaconn opened 2 years ago

TeamBaconn commented 2 years ago

Hi, I'm developing my react-native app and using react-native-cli to write some native code. I've researched and find out that uni-modules can help me hook expo-gl and expo-three with the bare workflow and it works. But it can only render the first frame, the next frames takes too long to render while the app is still running and not freezing. I'm following the code in the tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPR5QZEb5tk&t=646s&ab_channel=Expo But my red cube does not move continuously but kinna in a laggy way, the app still runs very smooth though. Can someone have experience with installing expo-three on react-native-cli help me, I could send you some coffee money. Thanks. image

kyaroru commented 2 years ago

Hi, perhaps you can refer to my working example (RNExpoThree) on rendering 3d model, it has animation as well 😉 (Note: it only works on physical device but not simulator)