expo / snack

Expo Snack lets you run Expo in the browser.
MIT License
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Cannot use gitpkg packages in snack #146

Open myckhel opened 3 years ago

myckhel commented 3 years ago


package.json (9:5) Invalid dependency 'react-native-gifted-chat' (version 'https://github.com/myckhel/react-native-gifted-chat.git#react-native-gifted-chat-v0.16.7-gitpkg' is not a valid semver) Retry

What platform(s) does this occur on?

Android, iOS, Web

SDK Version


Reproducible demo or steps to reproduce from a blank project

Add: "react-native-gifted-chat": "https://github.com/myckhel/react-native-gifted-chat.git#react-native-gifted-chat-v0.16.7-gitpkg", to package.json

SoyDiego commented 8 months ago

Same problem here! is not possible @byCedric @IjzerenHein?? Thanks!