expo / snack

Expo Snack lets you run Expo in the browser.
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error X button fails to close #582

Open chrisjj opened 1 month ago

chrisjj commented 1 month ago


"x" button on an error item does not close it but instead opens a new box.

What platform(s) does this occur on?

Windows 7, Chrome browser

SDK Version

No idea. The web UI is not telling.

Reproducible demo or steps to reproduce from a blank project

Load https://snack.expo.dev/DmIeuw_elIBNNmkFWyJlk?platform=android Click Launch Snack See image Click the red X at left

Expected: the red error report box closes Observed: a new box opens: image

Note: this occurs on the web IDE with (FWIW) target platform Android.

chrisjj commented 1 month ago

"Please make sure contributors can follow the steps your provided in order to reproduce the bug." says the form.

Some mistake? This is impossible before submit.