expo / turtle

Standalone app builder service
MIT License
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Permission error when running sudo turtle build:android. #370

Open Rahul-Vignesh opened 2 years ago

Rahul-Vignesh commented 2 years ago

New Issue Checklist

Issue Description

I'm getting an error when trying to build for android.

Command executed

sudo turtle build:android

Complete output when running turtle, including the stack trace and command used
 Dec 21 15:47:49 turtle[5232] WARN:  Skipping NDK installation
  platform: "android"
  buildPhase: "setting up environment"
Dec 21 15:47:49 turtle[5232] INFO:  shell app for SDK 44.0.0 doesn't exist, downloading...
  platform: "android"
  buildPhase: "setting up environment"
downloading [====================] 99% 0.2sDec 21 15:53:16 turtle[5232] INFO:  shell app has been downloaded
  platform: "android"
  buildPhase: "setting up environment"
Dec 21 15:53:16 turtle[5232] INFO:  extracting shell app (this may take a while)...
  platform: "android"
  buildPhase: "setting up environment"
Dec 21 15:53:42 turtle[5232] INFO:  shell app extracted
  platform: "android"
  buildPhase: "setting up environment"
Dec 21 15:53:42 turtle[5232] INFO:  installing dependencies in /Users/rahulvignesh/.turtle/workingdir/android/sdk44 directory...
  platform: "android"
  buildPhase: "setting up environment"
Dec 21 15:55:50 turtle[5232] INFO:  npm 
  platform: "android"
  buildPhase: "setting up environment"
  source: "stderr"
Dec 21 15:55:50 turtle[5232] INFO:  WARN ERESOLVE overriding peer dependency
  platform: "android"
  buildPhase: "setting up environment"
  source: "stderr"
Dec 21 15:56:07 turtle[5232] INFO:  npm
  platform: "android"
  buildPhase: "setting up environment"
  source: "stderr"
Dec 21 15:56:07 turtle[5232] INFO:   WARN EBADENGINE Unsupported engine {
  platform: "android"
  buildPhase: "setting up environment"
  source: "stderr"
Dec 21 15:56:07 turtle[5232] INFO:  npm WARN EBADENGINE   package: 'minifier@0.7.1',
  platform: "android"
  buildPhase: "setting up environment"
  source: "stderr"
Dec 21 15:56:07 turtle[5232] INFO:  npm WARN EBADENGINE   required: { node: '~0.10.0 || ^0.12.0' },
  platform: "android"
  buildPhase: "setting up environment"
  source: "stderr"
Dec 21 15:56:07 turtle[5232] INFO:  npm WARN EBADENGINE   current: { node: 'v16.13.0', npm: '8.1.0' }
  platform: "android"
  buildPhase: "setting up environment"
  source: "stderr"
Dec 21 15:56:07 turtle[5232] INFO:  npm WARN EBADENGINE }
  platform: "android"
  buildPhase: "setting up environment"
  source: "stderr"
Dec 21 15:57:30 turtle[5232] INFO:  npm WARN deprecated har-validator@5.1.5: this library is no longer supported
  platform: "android"
  buildPhase: "setting up environment"
  source: "stderr"
Dec 21 15:57:30 turtle[5232] INFO:  npm 
  platform: "android"
  buildPhase: "setting up environment"
  source: "stderr"
Dec 21 15:57:30 turtle[5232] INFO:  WARN deprecated urix@0.1.0: Please see https://github.com/lydell/urix#deprecated
  platform: "android"
  buildPhase: "setting up environment"
  source: "stderr"
Dec 21 15:57:30 turtle[5232] INFO:  npm WARN deprecated resolve-url@0.2.1: https://github.com/lydell/resolve-url#deprecated
  platform: "android"
  buildPhase: "setting up environment"
  source: "stderr"
Dec 21 15:57:30 turtle[5232] INFO:  npm
  platform: "android"
  buildPhase: "setting up environment"
  source: "stderr"
Dec 21 15:57:30 turtle[5232] INFO:   WARN deprecated fsevents@1.2.13: fsevents 1 will break on node v14+ and could be using insecure binaries. Upgrade to fsevents 2.
  platform: "android"
  buildPhase: "setting up environment"
  source: "stderr"
Dec 21 15:57:30 turtle[5232] INFO:  npm WARN deprecated fsevents@1.2.13: fsevents 1 will break on node v14+ and could be using insecure binaries. Upgrade to fsevents 2.
  platform: "android"
  buildPhase: "setting up environment"
  source: "stderr"
Dec 21 15:57:30 turtle[5232] INFO:  npm WARN deprecated fsevents@1.2.13: fsevents 1 will break on node v14+ and could be using insecure binaries. Upgrade to fsevents 2.
  platform: "android"
  buildPhase: "setting up environment"
  source: "stderr"
Dec 21 15:57:30 turtle[5232] INFO:  npm WARN deprecated
  platform: "android"
  buildPhase: "setting up environment"
  source: "stderr"
Dec 21 15:57:30 turtle[5232] INFO:   querystring@0.2.0: The querystring API is considered Legacy. new code should use the URLSearchParams API instead.
  platform: "android"
  buildPhase: "setting up environment"
  source: "stderr"
Dec 21 15:57:30 turtle[5232] INFO:  npm WARN deprecated chokidar@2.1.8: Chokidar 2 will break on node v14+. Upgrade to chokidar 3 with 15x less dependencies.
  platform: "android"
  buildPhase: "setting up environment"
  source: "stderr"
Dec 21 15:57:30 turtle[5232] INFO:  npm WARN deprecated chokidar@2.1.8: Chokidar 2 will break on node v14+. Upgrade to chokidar 3 with 15x less dependencies.
  platform: "android"
  buildPhase: "setting up environment"
  source: "stderr"
Dec 21 15:57:31 turtle[5232] INFO:  npm 
  platform: "android"
  buildPhase: "setting up environment"
  source: "stderr"
Dec 21 15:57:31 turtle[5232] INFO:  WARN deprecated uuid@3.0.0: Please upgrade  to version 7 or higher.  Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic.  See https://v8.dev/blog/math-random for details.
  platform: "android"
  buildPhase: "setting up environment"
  source: "stderr"
Dec 21 15:57:31 turtle[5232] INFO:  npm WARN deprecated uuid@3.4.0: Please upgrade  to version 7 or higher.  Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic.  See https://v8.dev/blog/math-random for details.
  platform: "android"
  buildPhase: "setting up environment"
  source: "stderr"
Dec 21 15:57:31 turtle[5232] INFO:  npm WARN
  platform: "android"
  buildPhase: "setting up environment"
  source: "stderr"
Dec 21 15:57:31 turtle[5232] INFO:   deprecated sane@4.1.0: some dependency vulnerabilities fixed, support for node < 10 dropped, and newer ECMAScript syntax/features added
  platform: "android"
  buildPhase: "setting up environment"
  source: "stderr"
Dec 21 15:57:31 turtle[5232] INFO:  npm WARN deprecated left-pad@1.3.0: use String.prototype.padStart()
  platform: "android"
  buildPhase: "setting up environment"
  source: "stderr"
Dec 21 15:57:31 turtle[5232] INFO:  npm WARN deprecated
  platform: "android"
  buildPhase: "setting up environment"
  source: "stderr"
Dec 21 15:57:31 turtle[5232] INFO:   request@2.88.2: request has been deprecated, see https://github.com/request/request/issues/3142
  platform: "android"
  buildPhase: "setting up environment"
  source: "stderr"
Dec 21 15:57:32 turtle[5232] INFO:  npm WARN
  platform: "android"
  buildPhase: "setting up environment"
  source: "stderr"
Dec 21 15:57:32 turtle[5232] INFO:   deprecated mkdirp@0.3.0: Legacy versions of mkdirp are no longer supported. Please update to mkdirp 1.x. (Note that the API surface has changed to use Promises in 1.x.)
  platform: "android"
  buildPhase: "setting up environment"
  source: "stderr"
Dec 21 15:57:32 turtle[5232] INFO:  npm WARN deprecated request-promise-native@1.0.9: request-promise-native has been deprecated because it extends the now deprecated request package, see https://github.com/request/request/issues/3142
  platform: "android"
  buildPhase: "setting up environment"
  source: "stderr"
Dec 21 15:57:32 turtle[5232] INFO:  npm WARN deprecated uglify-es@3.3.9: support for ECMAScript is superseded by `uglify-js` as of v3.13.0
  platform: "android"
  buildPhase: "setting up environment"
  source: "stderr"
Dec 21 15:57:33 turtle[5232] INFO:  npm WARN 
  platform: "android"
  buildPhase: "setting up environment"
  source: "stderr"
Dec 21 15:57:33 turtle[5232] INFO:  deprecated svgo@1.3.2: This SVGO version is no longer supported. Upgrade to v2.x.x.
  platform: "android"
  buildPhase: "setting up environment"
  source: "stderr"
Dec 21 15:57:33 turtle[5232] INFO:  npm WARN deprecated minifier@0.7.1: please don't use. see readme (https://github.com/fizker/minifier) for details
  platform: "android"
  buildPhase: "setting up environment"
  source: "stderr"
Dec 21 15:57:35 turtle[5232] INFO:  npm WARN
  platform: "android"
  buildPhase: "setting up environment"
  source: "stderr"
Dec 21 15:57:35 turtle[5232] INFO:   deprecated core-js@1.2.7: core-js@<3.3 is no longer maintained and not recommended for usage due to the number of issues. Because of the V8 engine whims, feature detection in old core-js versions could cause a slowdown up to 100x even if nothing is polyfilled. Please, upgrade your dependencies to the actual version of core-js.
  platform: "android"
  buildPhase: "setting up environment"
  source: "stderr"
Dec 21 15:57:37 turtle[5232] INFO:  npm WARN
  platform: "android"
  buildPhase: "setting up environment"
  source: "stderr"
Dec 21 15:57:37 turtle[5232] INFO:   deprecated processing-js@1.6.6: This project has been archived. Please use p5js instead.
  platform: "android"
  buildPhase: "setting up environment"
  source: "stderr"
Dec 21 15:57:40 turtle[5232] INFO:  npm ERR! code 127
  platform: "android"
  buildPhase: "setting up environment"
  source: "stderr"
Dec 21 15:57:40 turtle[5232] INFO:  npm ERR! path /Users/rahulvignesh/.turtle/workingdir/android/sdk44/packages/expo-application
  platform: "android"
  buildPhase: "setting up environment"
  source: "stderr"
Dec 21 15:57:40 turtle[5232] INFO:  npm ERR!
  platform: "android"
  buildPhase: "setting up environment"
  source: "stderr"
Dec 21 15:57:40 turtle[5232] INFO:   command failed
  platform: "android"
  buildPhase: "setting up environment"
  source: "stderr"
Dec 21 15:57:40 turtle[5232] INFO:  npm ERR! command sh -c expo-module prepare
  platform: "android"
  buildPhase: "setting up environment"
  source: "stderr"
Dec 21 15:57:40 turtle[5232] INFO:  npm ERR! shell-init: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: Permission denied
  platform: "android"
  buildPhase: "setting up environment"
  source: "stderr"
Dec 21 15:57:40 turtle[5232] INFO:  npm ERR! sh: expo-module: command not found
  platform: "android"
  buildPhase: "setting up environment"
  source: "stderr"
Dec 21 15:57:40 turtle[5232] INFO:  npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
  platform: "android"
  buildPhase: "setting up environment"
  source: "stderr"
Dec 21 15:57:40 turtle[5232] INFO:  npm ERR!     /Users/rahulvignesh/.npm/_logs/2021-12-21T10_27_40_766Z-debug.log
  platform: "android"
  buildPhase: "setting up environment"
  source: "stderr"
Dec 21 15:57:40 turtle[5232] ERROR: Failed to build standalone app
  err: Error: npm exited with non-zero code: 127
      at ChildProcess.completionListener (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/turtle-cli/node_modules/@expo/spawn-async/src/spawnAsync.ts:65:13)
      at Object.onceWrapper (node:events:510:26)
      at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:390:28)
      at ChildProcess.emit (node:domain:475:12)
      at maybeClose (node:internal/child_process:1064:16)
      at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (node:internal/child_process:301:5)
      at spawnAsync (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/turtle-cli/node_modules/@expo/spawn-async/src/spawnAsync.ts:26:19)
      at Object.spawnAsyncThrowError (/@expo/xdl@59.1.7/src/detach/ExponentTools.ts:111:19)
      at _installNodeModules (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/turtle-cli/src/bin/setup/android/index.ts:106:23)
      at _shellAppPostDownloadAction (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/turtle-cli/src/bin/setup/android/index.ts:91:5)
      at Object.ensureShellAppIsPresent (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/turtle-cli/src/bin/setup/utils/common.ts:40:5)
      at Object.setup [as default] (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/turtle-cli/src/bin/setup/android/index.ts:60:5)
      at Object.setup [as default] (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/turtle-cli/src/bin/setup/setup.ts:15:12)
      at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/turtle-cli/src/bin/utils/builder.ts:79:7
      at Command. (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/turtle-cli/src/bin/index.ts:23:12)
  platform: "android"


 Expo CLI 5.0.1 environment info:
      OS: macOS 12.1
      Shell: 5.8 - /bin/zsh
      Node: 16.13.0 - /usr/local/bin/node
      npm: 8.1.0 - /usr/local/bin/npm
      Android SDK:
        API Levels: 30, 32
        Build Tools: 32.0.0
        System Images: android-31 | Google APIs ARM 64 v8a, android-32 | Google APIs ARM 64 v8a
      Android Studio: 2020.3 AI-203.7717.56.2031.7935034
      Xcode: /undefined - /usr/bin/xcodebuild
      expo: ^44.0.0 => 44.0.0 
      react: 17.0.1 => 17.0.1 
      react-dom: 17.0.1 => 17.0.1 
      react-native: 0.64.3 => 0.64.3 
      react-native-web: 0.17.1 => 0.17.1 
      expo-cli: 5.0.1
    Expo Workflow: managed 
wkozyra95 commented 2 years ago

do not run with sudo

AngelDevs commented 2 years ago

i have this problem too, did you find a way to solve it?

Rahul-Vignesh commented 2 years ago

i have this problem too, did you find a way to solve it?

not yet, im just using expo build command.

AngelDevs commented 2 years ago

Hi, i solved it.

I believe the problem was because i installed expo and turtle cli with sudo, this apparently causes permission errors.

What i did was uninstall NPM and Node and all the cache from both, i just cleaned everything and installed NVM instead of Node and then with NVM i installed Node 16.3.1 and NPM 8.1.2.

I didn't need to use sudo at all and everything worked correctly.